Pimple on the earlobe: reasons, what to do with the internal, subcutaneous

  • Pimples on the earlobe: causes
  • Internal and subcutaneous pimples on the earlobe: causes
  • Pimple on the earlobe: what to do?
  • Methods for removing subcutaneous and internal pimple on the earlobe
  • Best Home Remedies to Treat Pimples on Earlobe

In the article we will analyze the causes of pimples on the earlobe, analyze the factors influencing their appearance, and also analyze treatment methods and ways to get rid of such internal and subcutaneous pimples on the earlobe.

Pimples on the earlobe: causes

The first cause of pimples on the earlobe is a skin disorder. Skin conditions on the earlobe can lead to pimples on the earlobe. The first disorder is an epidermoid cyst, a small lump that develops under the skin and can be touched and moved by the touch of the hand and is usually painless.

However, others say that left epidermoid cysts can sometimes become cancerous and require further medical evaluation. Another disorder is benign cysts, such as sebaceous cysts, which can also develop and occur in the ear, causing pain or discomfort. A sebaceous cyst is the result of a collection of dead skin cells and oil produced in the oil glands of the skin and can develop on the ears or inside the ear canal Hair roots have swelling or inflammation of the ear and can develop into a disease condition called folliculitis, which can also cause ear infections and cause earlobe cysts.

Additionally, earlobe pimples can also be caused by overexposure to the sun, which can irritate the seals in the skin and cause bumps in the earlobe. Using cosmetics such as face cream or face soap can also irritate the earlobe skin in some people and cause lumps to form on the ears Additionally, wearing earrings or other jewelry can also irritate the ear, which causes bumps.

Additionally, an injury to the ear can also lead to a rash on your earlobe. Have you been injured or scratched in your ear? This can cause pimples to appear on the earlobe as a healing phase of the wound. Injury caused by insect bites can also cause a temporary bump in the ears, but the resulting bump can get worse if it is cleaned too often. Attempting to pierce the ears with unsterile equipment can also cause lumps in the ears. ear and can also cause an infection that can aggravate the lump. This usually happens when you get a piercing in an area where it is not guaranteed to be clean.

Risk factor

Several factors lead to acne formation on the earlobes or other areas:

  • Age
    : Acne is most common during adolescence, but can develop at any age.
  • Hormones
    : Hormonal fluctuations, such as during pregnancy, can affect sebum production.
  • Medicines
    : Medicines that contain corticosteroids, androgens or lithium may cause acne.
  • Family history
    : Genetics may play a role.
  • Oily Products
    : Skin creams, hair products and cosmetics can clog pores.
  • Pressure or friction
    : Contact with clothing and things like bandages, helmets, and even cell phones can contribute to acne.

Internal and subcutaneous pimples on the earlobe: causes

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  1. Scratching Many people have the habit of scratching their ears, especially the inner ear, with a cotton swab or any other object that is suitable for this. This is a big mistake, as this can cause internal and subcutaneous pimples on the earlobe or problems that are even more serious.
  2. Cancer Don't assume you have ear cancer because of a pimple right away. However, ear cancer begins with the development of earwax, creating bumps, especially on the outer ear and earlobe. If you have a history of cancer in your family, consider consulting with Doctor Regardless, remember that allergies to cosmetics or low-quality clothing can cause the same type of pimples in shellfish as cancer (which is also very rare in the outer ears and earlobes).
  3. Sebaceous cysts Most of them are tumors that appear under the skin on the neck and head Cysts appear near the sebaceous glands, preventing them from producing the oil needed to repair the skin These types of internal and subcutaneous pimples are not at all painful, so if they appear on the lobe ear, they are very difficult to detect. If you feel these tumors around your earlobe, you may also have them in your inner ear.
  4. Abscess This is an infection in cells or tissues that can cause subcutaneous and internal pimples on the earlobe, even if the abscess appears in another part of the body (usually on the back of the neck) The body's defense mechanism in case of infections or bacteria is to poison the white cells, to kill them (boil staphylococci, pus) They accumulate in the affected area and on nearby organs, including the ear area By treating the infection that caused the abscess, the patient will treat the pimples in the earlobe for a long time.
  5. Mastoiditis An ear infection left untreated will likely lead to mastoiditis. This is a severe condition starting in the coffin bone behind the ear. It results in cysts filled with pus behind the earlobe.
  6. Juvenile and teenage acne This is a common condition for many of us. It occurs when the follicles become blocked by sebum and dead skin cells. This condition sometimes affects the earlobe, and sebum accumulation may increase.
  7. Common causes of acne, including when subcutaneous and internal pimples appear on the earlobe, are everyday problems such as poor diet, stress and allergic reactions to cosmetics. It is difficult to determine whether one or another factor is the exact cause of pimples on the earlobe. but making changes to your diet and habits will improve your overall health, reducing your risk of developing acne and other skin conditions.

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Symptoms and signs of rashes

You can recognize the formation of acne on the ear by its characteristic symptoms:

  • constant itching
  • painful sensations,
  • sometimes the temperature rises.

The most important sign of the disease is the appearance of tubercles with a white or yellow head in various parts of the auricle. It is formed due to suppuration of the hair follicle and inflammation.

Pimple on the earlobe: what to do?

Treating acne can be done by reducing the glands' production of subcutaneous oil, fighting bacterial infections, increasing skin cell turnover, and reducing inflammation. Antibiotics and medications that can be used to treat earlobe acne are preparations based on retinoic acid, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, tea tree oil and other topical antibiotics. Treatment may then include external and internal treatments, depending on the severity of the acne. However, you must remember that all these treatments must be carried out under the supervision of doctors.

The most important and easiest thing to do when treating earlobe acne is to keep your ear area clean. Wash your ears with a special soap for acne-prone skin at least 2 times a day, especially after using hair care products. Consult with a doctor if the problem of acne on the earlobe is really serious.

Pimple on earlobe treatment


To prevent the development of acne in the area behind the ear, it is important to follow some simple recommendations:

  1. First of all, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the skin in this area. It is recommended to wash your ears at least twice a day - morning and evening. To carry out this procedure, you can use tar soap. To remove sulfur, use a cotton swab and hydrogen peroxide. All manipulations are carried out with care to prevent damage to the eardrum.
  2. All accessories and devices that have direct contact with the ears must be regularly treated with bactericidal wipes or antiseptic solutions.
  3. Do not wear other people's hats .
  4. Avoid hypothermia of the head, as this can provoke not only the formation of rashes, but also some colds.
  5. foods that may cause allergies from your diet
  6. Promptly treat all viral and infectious pathologies at the initial stage of their development.
  7. Lead a healthy lifestyle .
  8. Quit tobacco and alcoholic beverages.

Only by following these simple rules can you protect yourself from the appearance of rashes behind the ears, which cause discomfort and can develop into more serious illnesses.

If it was not possible to avoid acne, then at the initial stage of development you can try to eliminate it with the help of special cosmetics and salicylic ointment. If there is no improvement or other signs appear, it is recommended to visit a specialist without delay.

Under no circumstances should you take independent measures to get rid of problems. This can cause even more serious problems. All medications should be prescribed only by your doctor.

Methods for removing subcutaneous and internal pimple on the earlobe

Surgical removal

In this method, the doctor will numb the area using a local anesthetic and then using a scalpel, he will open the cyst by making a single cut in the middle of the swollen area. After the cut, the doctor will squeeze the fluid that accumulates in the cyst. If the cyst is not a subcutaneous or internal pimple on the earlobe, it will be damaged. removed using blunt scissors and a pair of forceps. After this, the doctor will disinfect the area and, if necessary, stitch it. Once the operation is completed, the doctor may prescribe some antibiotics to ensure that the earlobe area is not susceptible to infection in the future.

Non-surgical removal

Non-surgical removal of internal and subcutaneous pimple on the earlobe involves the use of a heating pad or warm water. Applying a heating pad to an ingrown pimple will cause pus and bacteria from the pimple to come to the surface, making it easier to remove the pimple. Place the heating pad on the pimple and hold for 15 to 20 minutes three times a day, every day If you cannot access the pimples with a heating pad, you can use a warm washcloth instead. This method may take one to two weeks of treatment depending on how deep the infection is. Because pus has a waxy property, applying a warm compress will produce an oily fluid that can be safely reabsorbed by the body, reducing the likelihood of blood poisoning.

Antibiotics (oral and topical)

If the pimple on your earlobe was caused by an infection, antibiotics are the ideal treatment method. Treating pimples on this area with antibiotics is considered the fastest and most effective method, and even works on very small bumps, swellings or pimples. Once the diagnosis is made, the doctor can prescribe the right ones. antibiotics to help relieve discomfort and growth on the earlobe.

Turmeric and tea tree oil

This is another non-surgical method for removing ingrown pimples. Using turmeric and tea tree oil can help in drying out the fluids in the pimples. To use tea tree oil, you need to wash the pimple with soap and water and rinse off completely. Then use a cotton ball soaked in tea tree oil, holding it on pimples for 5 minutes. Repeat this process as often as you need until the pimple disappears.

To use turmeric, add a few drops of water to a pinch of turmeric powder and mix everything into a paste. Apply this paste to the pimple once a day for 20 minutes until the pimple disappears.

Clay mask

In addition to the surgical and non-surgical removal methods described above, you can also use a clay mask, which can be found at your local pharmacy. Using a clay mask overnight will cause the pus in the pimple to dissolve. Before you go to bed, apply the clay mask to the pimple on your earlobe and let Allow it to dry completely before lying on the pillow. Repeat this process every night until all the pus is brought to the surface of the skin and you get rid of pimples on your earlobe.

Best Home Remedies to Treat Pimples on Earlobe

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil

It is an essential oil that has many antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Such properties can play a vital role in resolving problems such as nail fungus, cough, acne, including pimples on the earlobe.

  1. Directly apply tea tree oil to the pimple on your earlobe. This will give your earlobe a protective layer and help fight the infection.
  2. You can also use diluted tea tree oil for this process. Mix tea tree oil with water in a 1:9 ratio.
  3. Apply this mixture to the pimple on your earlobe three times a day.

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera Extract

Another great, natural way to treat earlobe pimples, Aloe Vera has pain-relieving properties and can treat a pimple that is infected.

  1. Directly apply Aloe Vera gel to the pimple on your earlobe.
  2. Applying aloe vera will have a cooling effect that will ease the irritation.
  3. To further remove impurities from the body, try drinking aloe vera juice regularly.



When combined with yogurt, honey works as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredient to treat earlobe acne.

  1. Add a tablespoon of honey per 100 mg of yogurt and mix well.
  2. Directly apply this mixture to the pimple on your earlobe.
  3. Leave the mixture on the pimples overnight.
  4. In the morning, wash off the mixture.
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