Why do age spots appear on the face in women?

Age spots can appear on the face regardless of age. The greatest danger lies in the situation in which such spots begin to rapidly increase in size. Most often, people over 40 years old suffer from increased pigmentation. This is due to the increased production of melanin, which does not have time to be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the skin. When an age spot increases, you shouldn’t leave everything to chance. In this case, it is important to know why formations on the skin become inflamed and enlarge, as well as the basic methods of stopping the growth of pathology.

Removing pigment spots

Age spots are the accumulation of melanin in areas of the skin, which occurs due to one or a number of reasons. It often happens that pigmentation appears during pregnancy and goes away on its own after the birth of the child. After 45 years, the body slows down its metabolism and is not able to completely remove harmful toxic substances, which leads to their accumulation in limited areas of the skin. Pigmentation can often be found in young people, the cause of which is external factors. It doesn’t matter under what circumstances age spots appeared, this problem can and should be dealt with. Today there are a large number of ways to combat pigmentation:

  • laser removal;
  • use of flash;
  • peelings;
  • mesotherapy;
  • nitrogen removal;
  • home care.

Only a cosmetologist can tell you which method to use; he will identify the problem of pigmentation, as well as the extent of its spread. The effectiveness of the procedures depends on how many tones the pigment needs to be lightened.

Removal on the face

Pigment spots on the face can ruin your appearance and cause discomfort. Modern methods of struggle will help get rid of stains quickly. The reasons for the appearance of age spots on the face can be not only the accumulation of melanin in certain areas, but also inflammatory factors. When the skin is damaged by scratches, burns and in most cases acne, hyperpigmentation may remain on the skin after healing. Pigment spots on the face also include freckles and birthmarks. They are difficult to disguise with cosmetics, so you need to fight them.

Since facial skin is very delicate, it is important to use gentle methods to treat pigmentation. The safest way to remove hyperpigmentation is bleaching, which can be done using the following means:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. The solution is applied only to age spots, since healthy skin can be injured.
  2. Zinc paste is a gentle product for removing spots from the face, moisturizes and nourishes.
  3. Cream with mercury. This method is used for a short time due to the aggressiveness of the composition, which can cause irritation. Contraindicated for use by pregnant and lactating women.

Bleaching can lighten pigment spots by several tones; they will become invisible if they were initially weak. Treatment of dark and extensive age spots is possible only with the help of hardware.

Laser removal

Laser pigmentation removal involves light wave radiation emitted by a laser. The substance melanin is sensitive to laser radiation, therefore, after systematic use, the pigment lightens, disappearing over time. Before using this method, the cosmetologist must identify the nature of the pigment spot.

Laser removal does not require preliminary preparation; the only thing is that you need to refrain from going to the solarium for several weeks and avoid exposing your skin to the rays of the sun. The session is practically painless and does not cause discomfort - it all depends on the individual sensitivity of the skin. If necessary, local anesthesia is used.

Laser therapy for pigment spots is as follows:

  1. The cosmetologist applies a special gel to the skin, which promotes closer contact of the skin with the device.
  2. A laser is used to irradiate an area of ​​skin with pigmentation.
  3. To prevent the inflammation process, the skin is treated with an antiseptic.
  4. The doctor applies a bandage soaked in a special substance to speed up skin healing.

The number of procedures depends on the size, number and location of the spots; on average, about 5 sessions are required with an interval of at least three weeks.

Becker's nevus

This type of nevus is a yellow or brown spot. Most often it manifests itself in men and adolescents during puberty. But sometimes women are included in the list of sick people.

Localization may vary. In most cases, damage is noted:

  • shins;
  • chest area;
  • backs.

Becker's nevus often occurs during puberty

First, a slight darkening forms, which grows to 20 or more centimeters in diameter.

The reasons for the occurrence of violations are not fully understood. But doctors suggest that the changes are associated with hormonal imbalances in the body.


Laser irradiation always causes swelling and slight redness, and peeling appears over time. After removing the bandage, you can find a crust; after a while it will fall off and smooth and healthy skin will appear in its place. This whole process takes 2-3 weeks, so it is necessary to maintain this interval between procedures.

To consolidate the result, the doctor conducts a restorative course using cosmetics, which are selected individually for each patient. A course of multivitamins and a complex of minerals is also prescribed. To prevent the appearance of new spots, it is necessary to limit exposure to the scorching sun and use sunscreen for protection.

Folk recipes - top 7 "grandmother's" methods for skin spots

  1. A course of fresh cucumber masks. The grated vegetable in the form of a paste is applied to cleansed skin for 30 minutes. The mass is not washed off, but carefully cleaned with a cotton pad. 10-15 masks per course are enough, do it 2-3 times a week. Repeat courses several times a year.
  2. Yeast and lemon juice. For the mask, take 15 g of fresh yeast, add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, and apply for 20 minutes on clean skin. Rinse your face with cool water. Course – 10 masks, 2 times a week. Repeat every 2-3 months.
  3. Lotion for wiping the skin, made from parsley. Chop fresh herbs (2 tablespoons) and steam for one hour in 100 ml of water. Strain, wipe your face in the morning and evening before bed, adding 100 ml of fresh milk to the infusion. To preserve the lotion, you can freeze it in molds and place it in the freezer. The result is whitening, increased tone, tightening of enlarged pores.
  4. A mixture of rice flour, natural honey and vinegar (ratio 2:1:1 in teaspoons). The mass is applied for 30 minutes to clean skin two to three times a week. Do not rinse, wipe the skin with a dry cotton pad, then gently rinse with cool water. Course – 15 masks. Repeat every 2 months.
  5. Almonds and lemon juice. An effective mask that successfully treats age spots and also serves as an excellent cosmetic care product. About half a glass of almonds are passed through a meat grinder, a few drops of lemon juice and a spoon or two of water are added. Apply for 20-30 minutes to cleansed skin, rinse with cool water. Course – 15 masks, 2-3 times a week, several times a year.
  6. Boiled potatoes and egg yolk. A budget but effective mask that nourishes and whitens the skin. Puree from boiled potatoes “in their jackets” is mixed with egg yolk and applied to clean skin in a pleasantly hot state. Leave until completely cool and wash off with warm water. Course – 10-20 masks, twice a week. Repeat as necessary.
  7. Protein mixture. A mixture is prepared from egg white, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Apply for no more than ten minutes, wash off with warm milk, and be sure to apply a nourishing cream. Course – 10 masks 2-3 times a week.
  8. Washing with fresh milk and vodka. Ratio 3:1. Rinse your skin before going to bed. Can be used for a long time.


Despite all the choice of methods for removing age spots, laser treatment is the most effective and optimal, since it even combats increased pigmentation. Laser therapy has the following advantages:

  • the procedure is bloodless and painless;
  • the result can be seen almost immediately;
  • has a minimal list of side effects;
  • affects the entire skin as a whole: fine wrinkles are eliminated, the skin becomes smooth and youthful;
  • You can remove even the deepest pigmentation that cannot be treated with other methods.

Another advantage of laser removal is that only pathological cells are damaged.

Disadvantages and side effects

One of the disadvantages of laser therapy is its high cost, since several sessions are necessary to obtain results. Also, the disadvantages of this method include the recovery period, lasting up to 3 weeks. At this time, it is advisable not to plan any meetings; many people carry out this procedure during vacation.

Laser therapy rarely causes side effects. These include: the appearance of small, almost imperceptible scars and skin irritation, which goes away after the recovery period.

Toxic changes

Disturbances in skin tone can be observed if a person is often in contact with harmful substances.

These include:

  • resin;
  • oil;
  • tar;
  • coal;
  • machine oil.

When poisoning with arsenic and other toxic substances, dark areas appear

As a result of poisoning of the body, spots form on the skin. There may also be a deterioration in health. A person’s temperature rises and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.

Similar changes are associated with taking certain drugs that contain arsenic.

Among them are:

  • Novareslon;
  • Osarol;
  • Miarsenol.

The substance provokes the appearance of pigmented areas on the skin. The same applies to employees of enterprises that use arsenic during production.

Removing pigmentation with photoflash

The procedure for removing pigmentation using a flash is no less effective. This method is based on the impact of a beam of light with a pulse that does not produce ultraviolet radiation. The flash pulses are very soft and comfortable, and damage to the skin is minimal since the impact occurs only on the outer layer of the skin. Beams of light directed at the skin promote the production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid, which generally has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, it brightens, becomes younger, and fine wrinkles disappear.

To obtain the result, it is necessary to carry out at least 6 procedures, depending on the size, location and color saturation of the pigment spot. The recovery period is short, during which the patient experiences minimal discomfort.

Recommendations from a cosmetologist

Having found out what causes pigmentation on the face of women, and having eliminated its causes, it is necessary to take measures to restore normal complexion. Otherwise, new age spots may appear.

How to treat pigmentation? Cosmetologists recommend resorting to chemical skin whitening or special cosmetic procedures aimed at gradually restoring skin color.

Most women prefer to get rid of age spots on their own at home. You can treat pigmentation on the face at home using cosmetics or traditional medicine recipes.

The choice of treatment method and the overall duration of therapy depends on the cause of skin pigmentation on the face, the number of pigment spots and the individual characteristics of the skin. Self-medication is strongly not recommended. Only a cosmetologist can choose the appropriate method. So, often, to eliminate summer age spots caused by the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, it is enough to treat the skin with a special protective cream. And in order to prevent re-pigmentation, in the summer it is necessary to protect the face from direct sunlight.

Removing pigmentation with nitrogen

To remove age spots, local exposure to liquid nitrogen is carried out on the affected areas of the skin. Contact of a cold substance with tissue leads to the destruction of the top layer. During the procedure, the specialist uses a wide or narrow applicator with a soft tip, which is dipped in liquid nitrogen and quickly applied to the pigment spot. Pigmented skin dies and is rejected in the form of peeling. After a recovery period that lasts up to 2 weeks, the skin becomes smooth and healthy looking. To achieve results, you only need to carry out 1-2 procedures.

Acanthosis nigricans

Acanthosis nigricans can be either benign or malignant. It appears as dark areas of brown and black.

Changes are observed under the skin in folds. Among the most common zones are:

  • cervical;
  • occipital;
  • under the breast;
  • between the buttocks;
  • popliteal;
  • axillary;
  • inguinal

If the formations grow and spread, the doctor may suspect the presence of cancer cells.

Acanthosis nigricans appears in natural folds

Cosmetical tools

Do not forget about home care, the purpose of which is to lighten the skin. To brighten your skin, give it freshness and tone, you need to wipe your face with an ice cube and lemon in the morning. To do this, you need to prepare a solution in advance: add the juice of ¼ lemon to a glass of mineral water. This liquid should be poured into an ice tray and frozen. Regular use is important for results to appear. A contraindication to this remedy is intolerance to the components.

A compress of cucumber pulp with hydrogen peroxide also helps to lighten the skin well. Combine the components 1 to 1 and apply to the face. Leave for some time and rinse with water.

It is important that before choosing any of the methods for removing age spots, you need to consult a cosmetologist.

Gray-blue formations

Some people notice the appearance of bruises on the body. In this case, dark areas are observed even if there was no impact. In this case, the doctor may suggest some pathologies.

  • Nevus of Ota is a black-blue spot on the cheeks and eyelids. Education can transform into melanoma.
  • In the subclavian and scapular areas, nevus of Ita appears, which is similar to the previous one.
  • A Mongolian spot is a bruise that has an irregular shape. It is localized in children in any zone. The stain may go away on its own after a few years.

Mongolian spots appear in newborns and go away on their own

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