Why is eczema so difficult to treat?
The modern understanding of eczema as a skin disease that develops for many reasons includes the following concepts:
- tendency to allergies,
- violation of the quantitative and qualitative ratio of immune cells,
- the formation of atypical blood immunoglobulins that destroy skin tissue,
- chronic diseases of the digestive system,
- the influence of unfavorable environmental conditions,
- hereditary transmission of genes responsible for the extraordinary sensitivity of the immune system,
- hormonal imbalance in the body,
- harmful working conditions and professional activities,
- frequent prolonged stress.
It is the peculiarities of the function of the peripheral nervous system that are of particular importance in the development of the disease. Thus, according to modern research, scientists have been able to establish a certain relationship between the hypersensitivity of nerve endings in the skin to various external and internal factors and pathological symptoms.
Peripheral nerve endings trigger an incorrect and aggressive immune response. It has been established that eczema is a disease of a neuro-allergic nature. Currently, special drugs are being developed that will reduce the activity of peripheral innervation selectively, that is, relieve itching without affecting the tactile sensitivity of the skin.
Perhaps in the future this will make it possible to eliminate the disease in a short time. While such drugs are at the stage of clinical research, determining the positive effect on the disease and the development of possible side effects.
Taking into account the huge variety of various external causes of the disease and their close relationship with internal factors, eczema is considered one of the most complex skin diseases, the treatment of which is selected strictly individually.
What is dermatitis?
Dermatitis is a contact acute inflammatory lesion of the skin tissue that occurs as a result of exposure to irritating factors of a chemical, physical or biological nature.
They appear in the form:
- erythema,
- papules;
- rash;
- peeling;
- itching and burning;
- cracks in the skin;
- formation of crusts on the surface of the epidermis.
Very often this type of disease manifests itself in the first years of life. The reasons may be heredity, poor nutrition of a woman during pregnancy, viral diseases of the epidermis, and many others.
Lack of timely treatment of dermatitis can develop into more complex diseases that require long-term treatment.
In addition to the use of special drugs to eliminate dermatitis, special diets are widely used that reduce the risk of spreading damage to the epidermis in healthy areas.
Why are the hands most often affected?
Hand skin eczema is characterized by a contact form. You probably know that the surface of the palms and fingertips is quite well innervated, and the hands are an instrument for tactile cognition of the world, providing the brain with information about the properties of objects by touch.
Often in everyday life they have to interact with many potential allergens:
- dishwashing detergents,
- washing powders,
- medicines,
- cleaning and detergents.
If a person has certain disorders of autonomic innervation, supplemented by allergies due to the direct influence of external antigens, then there is a high probability that sooner or later eczema will appear.
In other words, the reason for the localization of symptoms specifically in the area of the distal parts of the upper extremities lies in their specific contact function with external stimuli.
Symptoms and types of eczema on the hands
The main symptom of eczema is unbearable severe itching; it is difficult to eliminate and significantly complicates the life of the patient. At the same time, pain and a feeling of skin tightness are significantly expressed.
The disease also manifests itself with the following symptoms:
- Rash. It looks like small bubbles filled with liquid. It is located in the spaces between the fingers, on the palms, and on the wrist.
- At first, the lesions are small in size and insignificant, but quickly invade new areas, and the vesicles burst, forming weeping wounds, then become covered with a crust.
- Often, the skin affected by the disease undergoes deformation: in the affected area, the epidermis thickens and can be intensely pigmented.
- The skin of the hands becomes noticeably dry, susceptible to severe peeling, injury due to impaired hydration (cracks).
- Ulcers from opened blisters may not heal for a long time, discharge contents abundantly and be quite deep. This is how weeping eczema develops.
- Symptoms on the hands are long-lasting; the period of exacerbation of the disease sometimes stretches for several years.
There are many different options for the development of the disease. The following forms of eczema are more common on the hands:
- Idiopathic (true). It has typical clinical manifestations: itching, seropapules, wound wells. The causes are many endogenous and exogenous factors.
- Microbial. Develops due to the failure of the immune system against microbes. Pathogens penetrate through minor damage to the skin on the hands and provoke a chronic inflammatory reaction, complicated by an allergic response.
- Professional. Appears with prolonged contact with chemicals and drugs.
- Atopic. It occurs against the background of progressive allergies, as well as with its complications - bronchial asthma.
- Mycotic. It develops according to the principle of microbial eczema, only fungi act as pathogenic flora. This form of the disease can be contagious. Moreover, it is a pathogenic fungus that can cause mycosis that is transmitted from person to person, and not the disease itself in the form of eczema.
- Dyshidrotic. It occurs for a number of external and internal reasons. This form is characterized by persistent and deep lesions of the skin of the palms and soles.
There are no such varieties of eczematous dermatitis on the hands as seborrheic and varicose.
Use of Triderm in the treatment of dermatitis and psoriasis
Triderm is a medicine for external use that helps in the treatment of various dermatological diseases. They can be caused by the action of viruses, bacteria, fungi. Triderm is able to fight pathogens of skin diseases.
The pharmaceutical drug is available in two variations - in the form of a cream and as an ointment. The volume can be 15 or 30 grams. The contents of the medicine are in a metal tube.
What is the difference between cream and ointment?
The ointment is a translucent mass of thin consistency. It has a yellowish-white tint. The cream has a milky color and is homogeneous in structure. The cream is easier to absorb and is usually used on small areas of the skin, applied under clothing or on those areas of the body where the skin sweats faster.
Triderm ointment
Ointments contain fewer components, which is more suitable for allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin. Triderm ointments are usually used on larger affected areas.
Instructions for use Triderm
Both cream and ointment are applied in the same way - you need to apply a small amount of the product and spread it in a thin layer over the affected areas of the skin and the area around them, the surface of the skin should be dry and clean.
Avoid contact with open wounds, as this may cause an overdose.
You need to use Triderm twice a day - morning and evening. The duration of treatment depends on the individual reaction to the product and how severely the skin is affected.
How to properly use Psorcutan in the treatment of psoriasis?
Applying Triderm cream
It is necessary to wean off the use of ointment or cream gradually: at the beginning of the weaning period, it is applied only once a day, then every other day, then after 2 days. After a long course of therapy of 1-2 months, it is necessary to take a break.
Main requirements for use:
- Do not use more than twice a day;
- Use daily to achieve the best effect;
- Do not exceed the duration of the course;
- Stop using the cream or ointment after 20 days if no effect is noticeable, and consult a specialist.
If used excessively, the drug can lead to a hormonal type of dermatitis, which will be difficult to cure.
What does Triderm help with? Indications for use of the drug
Indications for use are the same for both forms of Triderm.
The medicine is prescribed for the following skin diseases:
- Dermatitis (allergic, seborrheic, atopic);
- Psoriasis (scaly lichen);
- Dermatophytosis;
- Eczema;
- Diffuse neurodermatitis;
- Limited neurodermatitis;
- Athlete's feet;
- Pityriasis versicolor;
- Chronic lichen;
- Candidiasis.
Dermatitis on hands
This medicine is not recommended for the treatment of nail fungus, as it is not particularly effective against it.
What contraindications does Triderm have?
Triderm is not used if you have hypersensitivity to certain components. For this reason, sometimes a cream may not be suitable for allergy sufferers, but an ointment is suitable, since it contains fewer components.
Use during pregnancy is undesirable, especially in the first three months. Do not use Triderm to treat eye infections or apply to the area around the eyes.
The drug is not used in the presence of the following factors:
Chicken pox
- Chicken pox;
- Syphilis;
- Lupus;
- Herpes in simple form;
- Skin reaction after using the vaccine;
- Presence of open wounds;
- Occlusive dressings;
- Age up to 2 years;
- Application on a large surface area of the skin.
Is it worth using the drug during pregnancy and lactation?
During pregnancy, try to avoid using Triderm, as it is a hormonal drug. However, in some cases it is still used - if the benefits it provides can significantly exceed the potential risks for the unborn child. Consultation with a gynecologist is required.
Triderm is not used during breastfeeding due to the lack of evidence that the components included in the drug are not excreted along with milk and do not enter the child’s body.
As a solution to the situation, you can transfer the baby to artificial feeding.
Anthralin for psoriasis: indications, effectiveness, analogues
What side effects does the drug have?
If used excessively and not following instructions, complications such as changes in skin pigmentation, acne, swelling, blisters, urticaria, prickly heat, and allergic dermatitis may occur. The skin may begin to peel, burn, itch, and dryness may occur.
In case of overdose, there is a risk of adrenal insufficiency and Itsenko-Cushing syndrome. For young children, this is fraught with dizziness, increased intracranial pressure, and stunted growth.
How to treat eczema on hands
The approach to the disease, if it appears on the hands, is almost the same for all types of treatment for eczema, which we talked about in the article “Eczema: treatment methods.” But a special role is given to local therapy with ointments.
In order to overcome unpleasant symptoms, depending on the severity of the process, two types of ointments are used:
- Hormonal. Contains synthesized glucocorticosteroids: hydrocotisone, mometasone, prednisolone, betamethasone. They quickly help to cope with severe inflammation and reduce the aggressive course of the disease. Long-term use of steroid drugs is not recommended, as they inhibit the immune system and the regenerative ability of the skin, which, if local treatments are abused, can lead to the formation of trophic ulcers and the formation of hormone dependence. The treatment regimen with such drugs and the gradual withdrawal of drugs is developed by the doctor for each patient individually.
- Non-hormonal ointments contain nourishing, antiseptic, healing and soothing substances for inflamed skin, herbal extracts, and moisturizing oils. They provide good relief at the initial stage and in mild forms of the disease. The main advantage is that it can be used for a long time without harm to health. It is also possible to combine these drugs with hormonal therapy.
There are special recommendations for applying topical preparations to the skin of the hands:
- For weeping eczema , which in addition to the formation of open wounds is accompanied by thinning of the epidermis and severe inflammation, the drug is applied in an even thin layer. This is especially true for ointments with glucocorticosteroids. They should not penetrate deeply into the tissue and enter the systemic bloodstream, and during inflammation and swelling, the permeability of the skin is quite high. In this case, do not rub the product into the skin.
- Dry forms of eczema , on the contrary, require abundant lubrication of the affected area. Thick, dry skin can greatly impede the penetration of the therapeutic component into the affected tissue, so the products must be thoroughly rubbed until completely absorbed.
Be sure to pay attention to these recommendations. When prescribing certain creams and ointments, your doctor will tell you in detail about the appropriate treatment methods for the affected areas.
Analogues of Triderm ointment - complete list
Triderm is a universal drug in ointment and cream, which has a range of medicinal properties (antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antipruritic). The cost of the medicine is quite high - depending on the pricing policy of the pharmacy organization, it ranges from 650 to 850 rubles.
If you need to select cheaper Triderm substitutes, it is important to familiarize yourself with the instructions and indications for use, limitations and features. The medicine is available freely, without a doctor's prescription.
pharmachologic effect
The medication is available in the form of ointment and cream and contains three active ingredients:
- clotrimazole;
- betamethasone;
- gentamicin.
This composition enhances the individual properties of each incoming substance and provides the following therapeutic effects:
- reducing skin inflammation;
- elimination of itching, allergic reaction, redness;
- fighting bacterial skin infections;
- providing antifungal action.
Indications for use of Triderm
Since the medicine contains three components and provides a multifaceted therapeutic effect, it is used to eliminate bacterial and fungal infections, skin inflammation and allergies, in the following cases:
- chronic form of lichen simplex or limited neurodermatitis;
- dermatitis of bacterial, fungal and allergic nature;
- atopic dermatitis;
- eczema;
- fungal infection of the skin (candidiasis, lichen versicolor, infection of the skin of the feet, groin, large folds).
Triderm - instructions for use
The medication is applied to the skin and surrounding tissue affected by bacteria, fungus or allergen twice a day - in the morning and at night. The optimal course of treatment is up to 2–4 weeks. If there is no improvement, it means that the diagnosis was incorrect or the pathogens are tolerant to the antibiotic gentamicin and the antifungal component clotrimazole.
Important! The medicine is not recommended to be applied to damaged skin areas and open wounds. Other restrictions include children under 2 years of age, skin damage by herpes viruses, skin tuberculosis and syphilis.
Triderm cream or ointment – which is better?
Many buyers are interested in the question of what is the difference between Triderm cream or ointment. The cost of the two forms is approximately the same, the composition is also no different. The main difference is in the basis of the drugs and further properties.
The ointment contains petroleum jelly, due to which it has a greasy base, shine, and is poorly absorbed. Cannot be used to treat weeping dermatitis and dermatoses.
The cream is better absorbed, does not leave marks or greasy shine, and is suitable for treating wet skin areas.
Triderm's analogs
What can replace Triderm ointment or cream depends on the indications and complaints, age characteristics, type of pathogen (fungus, allergen, bacterial infection). For better and timely treatment, you must consult a doctor for a skin scraping analysis.
List of Triderm analogues is cheaper with approximate prices and country of origin
Analogue | Price, in rubles | Manufacturer country |
Triderm | 650-850 | Belgium |
Candiderm | 500-850 | India |
Tetraderm | 500-700 | Russia |
Mycozon | 130-250 | India |
Levomekol | 100-160 | Russia |
Belosalik | 180-850 | Croatia |
Celestoderm B | 200-650 | Belgium |
Elokom | 70-220 | |
Nizoral | 450-600 | |
Akriderm GK | 400-800 | Russia |
Pimafukort | 500-650 | Italy |
Clotrimazole | 20-150 | Russia, Israel |
Advantan | 550-850 | Italy |
An analogue of Triderm cream is the Indian complex drug Candiderm. The medicine also contains three types of components:
- antifungal – clotrimazole;
- antibacterial – gentamicin;
- anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antipruritic – beclomethasone.
The analogue differs in the hormonal component - beclomethasone instead of betamethasone and in a 2 times lower dosage. The indications, limitations, and application features are the same. In pediatrics it is used from the age of 7.
The Russian analogue of Tetraderm has components that are similar and different in composition and properties. Like Triderm, it contains the antibiotic gentamicin. Other Ingredients:
- the hormone mometasone, which has antiallergic, antipruritic and antiexudative effects;
- antifungal econazole;
- regenerating dexpanthenol.
The Tetraderm analogue has the same indications, contraindications, and side effects. Not used for the treatment of dermatitis and dermatoses in children under 18 years of age. The composition of Triderm ointment is better because it contains the regenerating, healing and moisturizing component dexpanthenol.
Cheap Mycozon cream contains the antifungal substance miconazole. The product is used to treat dermatomycosis caused by fungi sensitive to the component. Use twice daily for up to 2–4 weeks.
The drug Levomekol is something that can replace Triderm when the skin is infected with bacteria, accompanied by purulent-necrotic processes. The non-hormonal analogue Triderm contains an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory component and is sold freely from pharmacies.
A cheaper analogue of Triderm ointment is the drug Belosalik. Used for the treatment of skin lesions accompanied by peeling and hyperkeratosis. When used as a course, the analogue exfoliates the stratum corneum of the skin, relieves allergies, inflammation and itching. Available in the form of ointment and solution with or without a spray.
An analogue of Triderm cream in composition is the medicine Triacutan. Contains the same active components - hormone, antifungal and antibacterial substances, the same indications, contraindications and features of use are characteristic. The cost of the analogue is less.
The drug Nizoral is a source of ketoconazole, which has an antifungal effect. It is used for diseases of the skin and scalp caused by fungi.
Akriderm GK or Triderm – which is better?
Akriderm GK is a domestic cheap analogue for children and adults. Like Triderm, the medication combines antifungal, antibacterial, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties. Unlike the original product, the analogue is available in two packages of 15 and 30 g, and has a lower cost.
It is difficult to determine which is better – Triderm or Akriderm. The medications are identical in composition, properties, indications and contraindications. When choosing, you should be guided by your preferred manufacturer, reviews and price.
Pimafucort or Triderm – which is better?
Pimafukort and Triderm are two analogues containing a complex of substances - antifungal, hormone, antibiotic. They differ in their incoming components and spectrum of action.
Which medicine is better is determined by the type of pathogen and resistance. To do this, you need to do a skin scraping analysis.
Clotrimazole or Triderm
Clotrimazole is a domestic antifungal drug, also produced by foreign manufacturers. It is part of Triderm and complements the properties of other components (hormone and antibiotic).
For fungal skin infections, therapy with Clotrimazole alone is possible. In case of mixed nature of dermatoses, monotherapy is ineffective, Triderm is better.
Advantan or Triderm
Advantan is an exclusively hormonal drug. Available in the form of ointment, cream and emulsion. When applied, it stops an allergic reaction, reduces itching and redness.
Triderm combines the properties of the Advantan analog and other drugs and has a complex effect. What to choose depends on the indications and the nature of the disease.
Analogs of Triderm differ in composition, effect, and age restrictions. Which drug to choose depends on the type and nature of the skin lesion and the previous therapy used.
Answers on questions
- What does Triderm ointment help with?
The medication combines the properties of several groups of drugs - antibacterial, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, antifungal. It is used for skin diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, allergens of unknown nature. - Triderm - a hormonal drug or not?
It is a combination medicine, one of the components is the hormonal (glucocorticosteroid) betamethasone. - Which is better - Triderm or Celestoderm?
The analogue of Celestoderm B is available in two forms - regular ointment or cream, with garamycin. The first form contains exclusively the glucocorticosteroid betamethasone. The second is supplemented with the antibacterial component gentamicin. Triderm is a complex drug that combines the actions of three medications. However, in some cases, if the nature of the skin lesion is established and a certain component (antibiotic, antifungal agent) is not needed, an analogue can be used. - What to choose – Elokom or Triderm?
Elokom is an exclusively hormonal drug designed to reduce the inflammatory reaction and relieve the source of allergies. Contains mometasone. The second remedy has a complex effect and contains, in addition to the hormone, an antifungal and antibacterial component. Which is better depends on the nature and severity of the skin disease.
Source: https://LekAnalog.ru/triderm-analogi/
Hormonal ointments: what are they?
Depending on the form and complications that accompany the disease, various types of ointments containing corticosteroids are used.
- Weak action . Appropriate for treatment if a child suffers from eczema and if the disease is mild in adults: hydrocortisone and prednisolone ointment.
- Moderate action is used at the initial stage of the disease: Lorinden, Fluorocort, Afloderm, Lokoid.
- active steroid ointments if the previous remedies were ineffective: Sinaflan, Elokom, Flucinar, Beloderm, Advantan.
- Superactive, with a pronounced powerful effect: Dermovate, Clobetasol.
All prescriptions of drugs containing a hormonal component must be made only by a doctor. Unjustified use of such products, even for external treatments, threatens the development of severe side effects.
To familiarize ourselves with existing therapeutic agents, we will consider in more detail the most popular drugs.
How to use ointment for dermatitis?
When symptoms of the disease appear, you need to know how to properly use anti-dermatitis ointment:
- The ointment must be correctly selected, depending on all the individual characteristics of the skin;
- Before using the ointment, it is recommended to clean the affected area from any other agents;
- Dry with a terry towel;
- The ointment is applied in a thin layer directly to the affected area and, if necessary, fixed with a bandage;
- For a large affected area, it is recommended to use the ointment several times a day;
- At the initial stages of the development of the disease, it is necessary to use an ointment with a low level of active ingredients, and, if necessary, gradually increase the active ingredient of the drug;
- Before applying the ointment, it is recommended to wash your hands with an antibacterial agent.
Before using any type of drug for external use, it is necessary to test for allergic reactions. To do this, apply a small amount of the substance to the crook of your elbow and leave for several hours.
Akriderm and its three varieties
The main active ingredient of the ointment is the corticosteroid betamethasone, it is a highly active hormone and is 25 times stronger than hydrocortisone.
The ointment helps relieve itching in severe forms of eczema and other dermatoses accompanied by severe inflammation, skin damage and tissue swelling: chronic urticaria, psoriasis.
For complicated forms of eczema, there are also varieties of the drug, supplemented with active pharmacological components; such an ointment can be recognized by the presence of additional letters in the name:
- Akriderm GK contains a broad-spectrum antibiotic, gentamicin, and an antimycotic drug, clotrimazole. Suitable for the treatment of mixed fungal-microbial dermatitis,
- Akriderm S contains salicylic acid, which helps fight hyperkeratosis in eczema and accelerates the cleansing of dead cells in cases of severe peeling in the lesion,
- Akriderm Genta with gentamicin solves the problem of eczematous ulcers infected with microbes.
It is strictly contraindicated to use types of ointments with auxiliary medicinal substances without special need and symptoms of concomitant complications.
Also, the active ingredient of the drug (betamethasone) is the basis for other external remedies for eczema: Belogent (for microbial form), Triderm, Betliben (for the treatment of eczema due to allergies).
Neoderm ointment instructions for use
Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, reparative drug. Application: wounds, abrasions, burns. Price from 107 rub.
Analogs: Boro Plus, Beloderm, Bepanten. You can find out more about analogues, their prices, and whether they are substitutes at the end of this article.
Today we’ll talk about Astroderm cream. What is this product and how does it affect the body? What are the indications and contraindications? How and in what doses is it used? What can be replaced?
What kind of cream
Astroderm cream is used for various skin lesions. Mainly used to restore skin and gain elasticity.
The drug provides anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, regenerating effects . Natural components in the composition promote rapid healing of the dermis. Can be used for a long time. The drug does not cause allergic reactions and is safe.
The manufacturer of this product is Vis LLC, Russia.
Active ingredient and composition
Active components included:
- dexpanthenol;
- millennial extract, calendula;
- vinylin;
- vitamin E;
- allantoin.
Astroderm composition also has auxiliary components:
- purified water;
- soybean oil;
- emulsion wax;
- fatty alcohol;
- lemon acid;
- fragrance
Before use, you should familiarize yourself with the composition to reduce the risk of unwanted reactions.
Pharmacological properties
The composition of the product consists mainly of natural ingredients. Each element has an effective effect on the dermis. Therefore, many experts recommend this particular remedy. The cream protects the affected areas of the skin and prevents their infection. The product quickly restores the skin, reduces the risk of scar formation.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Each component in this product produces a specific effect.
Vinilin envelops well, relieves inflammation, heals and anesthetizes affected areas of the skin. This substance is often used for burns, frostbite, and inflammation of various etiologies.
D-panthenol – stimulates skin regeneration, stabilizes cell metabolism, increases the strength of collagen fibers. The component also helps to quickly eliminate inflammation.
Calendula and millennial extracts are essential for healthy skin. They have a wound-healing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect. Quickly and effectively relieve swelling, redness and irritation.
Vitamin E improves microexchange of skin cells. Allantoin, in addition to moisturizing, has a slight antiseptic effect.
Pharmacokinetic data are not available.
Contraindications for use
Since the medicine contains natural ingredients, it does not have a large list of contraindications. It is prohibited for patients with individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components in the composition.
Attention! Do not apply to open wounds.
Directions for use and dosage
The cream is applied to problem areas of the skin with a thin ball. You can rub in with gentle movements 1-2 times a day. The product can be used for a long time.
In childhood, during pregnancy and pregnancy
The cream is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Use is possible only after consultation with a doctor. This also applies to the treatment of children.
Side effects
Adverse reactions occur very rarely: these include allergic reactions. Manifest in the form of itching, redness, and skin irritation .
If such symptoms develop, you should stop taking this medication.
special instructions
Astroderm healing cream contains natural ingredients, so there are no special instructions for use. The patient must observe hygiene rules when applying the cream to damaged skin.
Do not apply to bleeding wounds.
When using several products for external use, you should maintain an interval of 1 hour between doses.
Drug interactions
The drug is safe and has a mild effect . Can be used simultaneously with other medications for external use.
Complex therapy, dosage and course of treatment are determined solely by the doctor. The interval between doses for external use should be 60 minutes.
There are no analogues of Astroderm cream with identical active ingredients and pharmacological effects. The medicine has a natural composition.
If necessary, you can find similar products for external use.
This cream has no analogues in composition.
Creams that have identical indications for use:
Hormonal creams:
Non-hormonal products on a natural basis:
- Arnica cream-balm;
- Panthenol;
- Vulnuzan.
Cheap means:
Expensive means:
Source: mazikrem.ru
Source: https://gigastroi.ru/neoderm-maz-instrukcija-po-primeneniju/
The drug is based on the synthetic steroid methylprednisolone aceponate. Has a quick soothing effect on the skin, relieves itching.
The medicine, as prescribed by a doctor, can be used to treat eczema in children from 4 months of age. The product is applied once a day, the course of treatment should not exceed 3 weeks. The drug is intended for the treatment of the dry form of the disease.
Ointments for hormonal type dermatitis
The use of hormonal ointments for external use allows you to achieve results much faster. However, you should know that the use of this type of ointment has a large number of different side effects and before using the product, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Before applying hormonal ointments for the treatment of dermatitis, the following usage guidelines must be observed:
- It is necessary to start using an ointment with a small amount of active ingredients, gradually increasing the dosage if necessary;
- The ointment is applied in a thin layer directly to the site of injury, avoiding healthy areas of the skin;
- When treating inflammatory formations after application, treatment with ointment must be stopped;
- Additionally, it is recommended to use special antibiotics to enhance the effect of treatment
Hormonal drugs are not used for other purposes.
The ointment has the following indications:
- Zkzema;
- Dermatitis of all types;
- Psoriasis;
- Diaper rash;
- Skin itching.
The active substances of the drug reduce inflammatory formations and antimicrobial effects on the epidermis. Promotes rapid restoration of tissue cells.
Apply a thin layer twice a day. The course of treatment with the drug is no more than 14 days. Can be used after reaching 16 years of age.
The average price of ointment is 250 rubles .
The ointment is prescribed if there are no results from other types of hormonal drugs.
Helps eliminate the following problems:
- Acute dermatitis;
- Psoriasis;
- Lichen;
- Eczema.
The ointment is a potent component and is used in rare cases.
Apply once or twice a day, the course of treatment is up to 10 days. Not prescribed during pregnancy and under 16 years of age.
The average cost is 200 rubles .
It is used to eliminate all types of skin lesions that are manifested by itching and increased compaction of the stratum corneum.
The effect of the ointment is to have an anti-inflammatory effect on damage and block further development of the disease.
Average price 400 rubles .
Apply twice a day, the course of treatment is no more than 14 days. Use in children is prescribed only after reaching 3 years of age.
The ointment is aimed at eliminating the following problems:
- Dermatitis of all types;
- Eczema;
- Psoriasis.
The ointment has a high penetrating effect on the tissue and has an antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect in the area of inflammation of the skin.
Apply once a day and rub in until absorbed, used for no more than 10 days. Not for pregnant women and children under 12 years of age.
Average price 300 rubles .
Hormonal remedy to eliminate the following problems on the skin surface:
- Eczema;
- Dermatitis;
- Psoriasis;
- Erythroderma;
- Lupus.
Using the product on the affected area has an anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces discomfort and blocks the further spread of infection to healthy areas of the skin.
Apply twice a day for 10 days. For use in children, apply once a day for a course of no more than 5 days. Used after reaching the age of 3 years.
Cost 60 rubles .
The drug is used to treat almost all types of skin lesions, including all types of dermatitis.
Using the cream can quickly reduce itching and numb the affected area.
Reduces skin peeling and blocks further development of the disease.
Used several times a day for 10 days. It is acceptable to use for children over 3 years of age if there is an urgent need.
Average price 300 rubles .
An ointment containing fluorine has the following indications:
- Eczema;
- Dermatitis of all types.
It has deep penetration into the layers of the epidermis and is quickly absorbed by the body. Due to this, unpleasant symptoms are quickly eliminated and the inflammatory process is reduced.
The average cost of the ointment is 300 rubles .
Use twice a day for 10 days. Not used for children.
Lorinden C
The ointment is widely used to treat fungal and viral infections of the skin surface.
The active components have a softening and moisturizing effect.
The substance flumitazone has an anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect on the lesion.
Used once a day for 14 days. Use in children is carried out only after reaching 12 years of age.
The cost of the drug is 400 rubles.
Akriderm GK
Akriderm GK ointment is aimed at eliminating the following problems:
The active components of the substance affect the lesion and eliminate unpleasant symptoms; it is considered one of the most commonly used skin treatments.
It is recommended to apply a thin layer twice a day for 14 days.
The average cost is 200 rubles.
Hydrocortisone ointment
The hormonal drug is widely used to treat atopic dermatitis.
Has a high ability to eliminate the inflammatory process.
Most often prescribed in cases of lack of effectiveness from other types of medications.
The ointment is applied twice a day, morning and evening, in a thin layer to the damaged area. The course of treatment is no more than 14 days.
The price of the drug is 150 rubles .
A drug with strong hormonal action with betamethasone as the main substance.
Used in the treatment of:
- Atopic, contact, varicose, seborrheic dermatitis;
- Eczema;
- Psoriasis;
- Lupus;
- Allergic skin rashes.
Taking the drug is not recommended for oral dermatitis, pityriasis rosea, hypersensitivity, and infectious skin diseases.
It should be applied in a thin layer 1-2 times a day. Not recommended for use by children under one year of age.
The average cost is 140 rubles .
Widely used for the treatment of eczema on the hands, not complicated by infectious processes. Contains triamcinolone. The product actively helps reduce the symptoms of eczematous disorder and eliminates itching well. Prescribed with caution for hand eczema in children under two years of age.
The hormonal component is poorly absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, but since the child’s skin has higher sorption abilities, systemic and local reactions to the drug should be carefully monitored.
Heavy hormonal artillery in the treatment of eczema. The main therapeutic component of the ointment, clobetasone, has all the effects characteristic of hormonal ointments, but more strongly. Ointments and creams should be used strictly in doses, not exceeding the recommended application volumes and treatment periods.
This drug has good reviews of its effectiveness in treating severe forms of chronic weeping eczema.
Non-hormonal agents
These can be either antibiotic-containing ointments or ointments with components that accelerate healing, normalize metabolic processes in the skin, and also have an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect.
- Zinc-based ointments help to cope with the signs of weeping of the affected areas and prevent infection. Inexpensive and effective zinc ointment has long been successfully used in dermatology.
- Skin Cap. Has antifungal and antibacterial effects. Can be used in the initial form of relapse of the disease.
- Bepanten, Panthenol, Dexapanthenol. Helps normalize the process of epithelization of ulcers and has a strong regenerating effect. Panthenol-based ointments are safe, do not cause an allergic reaction, and are the treatment of choice for treating skin problems in infants. Timely use of such medicine will help prevent the development of complications.
- Radevit. Contains a complex of vitamins A and E, which normalize the natural regeneration of skin cells and help restore local immunity. In addition, the product effectively reduces itching and swelling of the skin and has a calming effect on irritated epidermis.
- Magnispor. The product is based on medical grease, an oil refinery product that is used in medicine as an antiseptic with a drying effect. When applied to the skin, a special protective film is created that protects wounds from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.
- Aurobin . It is used in the initial stages of the disease, when the symptoms are mild. Helps fight skin cracks and heal superficial ulcers. The product can be used to relieve symptoms over a long period of time.
- Also, for the treatment of mild and initial forms of eczema on the hands, the following products are used: Dermasan, Desitin, Eplan, boric ointment .
- Processes accompanied by copious discharge of pus from the lesion require the application of agents containing antibiotics; for such cases, Levomekol ointment is prescribed.
- Ichthyol ointment and balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky can also be used under a bandage when microbial flora is attached, and if the rash is accompanied by detachment of the outer layers of the skin.
Non-hormonal ointments for eczema on the hands are effective in the initial stages of the disease; if prescribed by a doctor, they can be used in parallel with hormonal treatment, and can also be used to prevent exacerbation of the disease. Many of them can be used during pregnancy.
NEODERM: instructions, reviews, analogues, price in pharmacies
Neoderm cream is a corticosteroid for external use in dermatology. Triamcinolone acetonide is a moderately active glucocorticoid with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antiallergic and antiproliferative effects.
Triamcinolone penetrates the epidermis and binds to glucocorticoid cell receptors, which ensure transport of the drug into the cell nucleus and its pharmacological effects. Topical glucocorticosteroids can be absorbed by the intact skin surface.
The degree of absorption of local glucocorticoids is determined by a number of factors, including the base of the cream, the integrity of the epidermis, and the use of occlusive dressings. 1-3% of triamcinolone acetonide can be absorbed through intact skin; in case of infectious skin processes, wounds and ulcers, absorption increases 2-4 times.
After penetration through the skin, the pharmacokinetics of local glucocorticosteroids corresponds to the pharmacokinetics of systemically prescribed analogues. The degree of binding of triamcinolone to plasma proteins is about 68%. Triamcinolone is metabolized primarily in the liver and excreted in urine and feces.
Nystatin is a polyene antibiotic produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces noursei. It has a fungicidal and fungistatic effect against yeast and yeast-like fungi, especially Candida spp., as well as Aspergillus spp.
It acts by binding to membrane sterols of sensitive pathogens, which leads to changes in membrane permeability and loss of intracellular components. When applied topically, it acts primarily against Candida spp. Not active against bacteria, protozoa and viruses. Not absorbed when applied to the skin.
Neomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic that is active against many gram-negative bacteria and some gram-positive bacteria, but not streptococci, due to inhibition of protein synthesis. Neomycin is not absorbed through intact skin, but can penetrate in the presence of an inflammatory process.
When absorbed, it is excreted unchanged in the urine; the half-life is approximately 2-3 hours. It is not active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa; the emergence of neomycin-resistant strains of microorganisms is possible. Gramicidin has antimicrobial activity against many gram-positive microorganisms, including Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., due to disruption of the permeability of the pathogen membrane. Not absorbed when applied to the skin.
The intensity of absorption of topical corticosteroids depends on many factors, including the properties of excipients, the condition of the epidermis, and the use of occlusive dressings.
Topical corticosteroids can be adsorbed from the surface of intact skin; in the presence of inflammatory changes and/or other damage to the skin, drug absorption increases.
Nystatin and gramicidin are not adsorbed from the surface of intact skin or mucous membranes. Neomycin can be adsorbed during inflammatory changes in the skin. The half-life averages 2-3 hours.
Indications for use
Neoderm is indicated for the treatment of dermatoses that are sensitive to therapy with topical corticosteroids, complicated by secondary fungal and/or bacterial infection or with a high likelihood of developing the latter, for example: atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, chronic lichen simplex (neurodermatitis), psoriasis (especially on the face and folds) ), allergic contact dermatitis.
Mode of application
Neoderm cream should be applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin and surrounding tissues 2 times a day (morning and evening).
The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 14 days.
If after use for approximately 7 days, no positive dynamics of the infectious process has occurred, appropriate local or systemic antibacterial therapy is necessary.
Side effects
Local side effects of glucocorticosteroids (are infrequent, but their frequency increases with the use of occlusive dressings): burning, itching, irritation, dry skin, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, thinning of the skin (especially on the face and flexor surfaces of the hands) may recover some time after cessation of treatment (skin stricture is not always restored); irreversible atrophic changes, stretch marks and telangiectasia, steroid rosacea, perioral dermatitis (papular inflammation on the face in young women, reminiscent of rosacea), acne-like pustules, mild depigmentation (sometimes reversible), allergic contact dermatitis, skin maceration, secondary infection. Glucocorticosteroids may impair healing and, due to their immunosuppressive effect, resistance to infection may be reduced.
Systemic side effects of glucocorticosteroids are observed, as a rule, with long-term use of drugs of very high activity; their likelihood increases when large areas of skin are treated: adrenal insufficiency, arterial hypertension, Itsenko-Kushenko syndrome.
Maximum absorption of glucocorticoids is observed in areas with thin skin, wet and chafed surfaces. Nystatin is generally well tolerated and rarely causes irritation when applied to the skin. Gramicidin may cause hypersensitivity reactions.
Neomycin may cause delayed hypersensitivity reactions. The development of ototoxic and nephrotoxic reactions has been reported when the drug is applied to a large surface or damaged skin.
Neomycin is characterized by hypersensitivity cross reactions with kanamycin, streptomycin and gentamicin. When applying the drug, a burning sensation may be felt, which is transitory.
Allergic reactions are very rare; symptoms of an allergic reaction are rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, difficulty breathing. It must be taken into account that when using occlusive dressings and diapers, the incidence of adverse reactions increases.
: Contraindications to the use of the drug Neoderm are: hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug; lupus; skin manifestations of syphilis; chicken pox; viral skin infections, skin post-vaccination reactions, parasitic skin infections; open wounds, trophic ulcers, burns, ichthyosis; rosacea, acne vulgaris, perioral dermatitis; skin atrophy, fragility of skin vessels; children under 3 years of age; into the external auditory canal in patients with perforation of the eardrum; large areas of skin due to the risk of ototoxicity; use in ophthalmology.
: Teratogenicity studies of combination drugs containing triamcinolone, nystatin, neomycin and gramicidin have not been conducted. Animal studies have demonstrated teratogenic effects when administered systemically at relatively low doses.
The teratogenic effect of potent glucocorticosteroids has been demonstrated in laboratory animals when applied to the skin. Therefore, the use of Neoderm during pregnancy can only be done if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
At the same time, the use of local glucocorticosteroid drugs should not be long-term, in high doses, over large areas of the skin. Use during breastfeeding: There is no information whether any of the components of Neoderm pass into breast milk.
It is unlikely that glucocorticosteroids that pass into milk when administered systemically will have an adverse effect on the newborn. However, caution should be exercised when administering topical corticosteroids to nursing mothers.
Interactions with other drugs:
Not described.
: Topical glucocorticosteroids can be absorbed in significant quantities with the development of systemic effects, however, acute overdose and serious adverse reactions with topical use are unlikely. Long-term studies in animals to determine carcinogenic, mutagenic potential and the ability to affect reproductive function have not been conducted
Storage conditions
Store at a temperature not exceeding + 25 C. Keep out of the reach of children.
Release form
Neoderm – cream for external use . Tube: 10 g; 15 g or 20 g cream.
Neoderm contains active ingredients (per 1g): Gramicidin 0.25 mg, Neomycin (in the form of neomycin sulfate) 2.5 mg, Nystatin 100,000 IU, Triamcinolone acetonide 1 mg.
Excipients: aluminum hydroxide, cetyl alcohol, cetostearyl alcohol, glycerol monostearate, lavender oil, liquid paraffin, propylene glycol, purified water, simethicone liquid 350C, sodium metabisulfite, sodium hydroxide, sodium benzoate E 211, sorbitol solution (non-crystallizing), titanium dioxide E 171, twin 40 E434, twin 60 E 435.
Neoderm is intended for external use only. Like other local glucocorticosteroids, it should not be applied to the eye area due to the possible development of glaucoma and cataracts. If symptoms of hypersensitivity or irritation develop, the drug should be discontinued.
Systemic absorption of topical corticosteroids can lead to reversible suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, the development of Cushing's syndrome, hyperglycemia and glycosuria in some patients.
Factors that increase the systemic absorption of corticosteroids are application to large areas of the skin, prolonged use, and the application of compressive bandages.
In these cases, periodic monitoring of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function is required, and when determining its suppression, it is necessary to discontinue the drug or replace it with a less active corticosteroid.
Recovery of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function is usually rapid and complete after discontinuation of the corticosteroid-containing drug. If there is a risk of significant systemic absorption (large area of application or use of an occlusive dressing), patients should be monitored for systemic effects such as electrolyte imbalance , gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, myopathy, cataracts, impaired liver or kidney function, osteoporosis, hemorrhages. In children, absorption may be proportionately higher and they may be more sensitive to the systemic action of glucocorticosteroids and systemic undesirable effects. Cases of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis suppression, Cushing's syndrome, and intracranial hypertension have been identified in children treated with topical corticosteroids. Signs of adrenal suppression included slowed growth, delayed weight gain, low levels of corticosteroids in the blood plasma, and lack of response to adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation. Manifestations of intracranial hypertension may include headaches and bilateral papilledema. Halogen-containing glucocorticosteroids for topical use are contraindicated in children under 3 years of age; their use in older children is possible for a short time (several days) and under close medical supervision. The use of local drugs with potent glucocorticosteroids for psoriasis can provoke the development of the postular form of the disease. The use of local drugs containing antibiotics can provoke the development of an insensitive fungal infection. Treatment of skin dermatoses should be carried out with caution and for a short period of time due to the risk of developing steroid rosacea. Do not apply to the eye area. The possibility of an ototoxic effect of neomycin should be taken into account in predisposed patients with a history of damage to the 1X pair of cranial nerves during the use of aminoglycosides. The drug should not be used under conditions where absorption of neomycin is possible due to the risk of developing ototoxic and nephrotoxic effects. It should be remembered that when prescribing a drug for the treatment of a secondary infection in chronic dermatosis, the skin is more sensitive to all ingredients of the drug. If irritation occurs, the drug should be discontinued and another drug prescribed. If within 7 days the manifestations of the infection do not decrease or intensify, or If there are signs of systemic infection, appropriate antimicrobial therapy should be prescribed. If a positive effect is not achieved, Neoderm should be discontinued and measures taken to eliminate the infection. If a superinfection occurs or excessive development of fungal microflora, you should stop using the drug and take appropriate measures. If there is doubt about the causative agent of the concomitant infectious process, sensitivity to the anti-infective components of the drug should be determined. If used on the face, the maximum period of use is 5 days and the use of an occlusive dressing is prohibited.
Source: https://medcentre.com.ua/medicamenty/neoderm.html
Systemic agents
Treatment of eczema on the hands is not limited to local treatments, it is carried out in combination with systemic medications.
- Antihistamines. They help reduce the sensitivity of the immune system to mediators of the inflammatory process, which, in general, reduces negative symptoms and eliminates itching. During the period of exacerbation, a course of medications is indicated: Loratadine, Zodak, Cetrin, Telfast, Fexadin, Xizal, Suprastin, Diazolin.
- Enterosorbents. They help get rid of toxic elements that invariably accompany the pathological process. The drugs Polysorb, Polyphepan, Enterosgel, and activated carbon are mandatory components of general therapy for eczema on the hands.
- In case of severe disease and poor effectiveness of intestinal sorbents, hemosorption measures and intravenous infusions of solutions are carried out in a hospital setting: plasmapheresis - purification of blood plasma, solutions of sodium thiosulfate, calcium gluconate, calcium chloride are used intravenously.
- A course of B vitamins is indicated by injection (if well tolerated).
- Strengthening the nervous system is done with sedatives based on medicinal plants: tincture of motherwort, passionflower, valerian.
- Immunostimulants for eczema on the hands are prescribed only under the supervision of a doctor, since the disease is based on an atypical protective reaction.
When treating eczema on the hands, a special role is played by the elimination of all associated pathologies. Therefore, the therapeutic course can be supplemented with various means aimed at combating individual disorders in the body.
Traditional therapy
Eczema has been known since ancient times; it is such a painful and long-lasting disease that at all times people have tirelessly searched for ways to get rid of its symptoms.
Before the discovery of steroid drugs and antihistamines, topical herbal treatments were widely used.
Until now, baths with decoctions and infusions of beneficial plants are used as an auxiliary method of treatment.
But it should be remembered that external treatments help to cope only with external signs of the disease, and neglect of systemic and controlled therapy can lead to a long course of the disease and complications in the form of chronic forms of allergies and bronchial asthma.
Therefore, if you want to supplement treatment with traditional methods, pay attention to the following conditions that will help increase the safety and effectiveness of such measures:
- Agree on your treatment plans with your doctor. In some cases, official medicine has a positive attitude towards local treatment with herbs, saline and soda solutions.
- Before using baths and lotions, you need to establish the form of the disease. Weeping open wounds may be accompanied by painful sensations; it is not advisable to soak them further.
- Some herbs, for example, string, can cause significant drying of the skin.
- If you intend to use a multi-component infusion, it is better to make sure in advance that all components of the product are tolerable. Allergic reactions to plant chemicals and oils are not uncommon.
- It’s better not to take risks and use ready-made pharmaceutical forms. Each plant has recommendations for harvest times, preparation and storage conditions. They cannot always be followed correctly. Also, without sufficient knowledge in the field of herbal medicine, you can easily make a mistake in searching for plants in natural conditions.
- Do not refuse prescribed therapy in favor of treatment with traditional methods; treatment received in full will help delay relapse.
- Dubious traditions based on conversion to certain mystical entities have nothing to do with the treatment of diseases. Therefore, burying enchanted objects in the ground, spells for the waning moon and other witchcraft manipulations are not recommended for getting rid of real symptoms at home. Especially when it comes to treating a child. Although children, more often than not, suffer from unjustified hopes for therapy through witchcraft.
No Allergies!
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Eczema is an inflammatory process in certain areas of the skin. The affected areas experience discomfort, severe itching, burning, redness, peeling and the appearance of ulcers.
Most often, the disease occurs as a consequence of allergic reactions of the human body to certain irritants.
The provocateurs of the disease are:
- weak immune system;
- the presence of hormonal disorders;
- use of clothing made from synthetic fabrics;
- stressful situations;
- frequent contact with chemical cleaning agents;
- work in hazardous production.
The disease develops individually in each specific case. Therefore, you should not self-medicate. The attending physician is able to prescribe the most effective treatment methods, taking into account the existing nuances of each individual patient.
Experts prescribe Akriderm ointment for eczema only in extreme cases, when therapy using more gentle ointments has not given the desired effect.
If you have eczema on your hands, you should take Akriderm according to the following rules:
- the use of hormone-containing drugs should be for a short period of time and in a strictly specified dosage;
- in case of overdose or prolonged use, Cushing's syndrome may occur as a side effect;
- when taking Akriderm for a long period, possible consequences may appear much later;
- You cannot treat eczema with Akriderm during pregnancy and lactation.
Judging by all of the above, the drug Akriderm is a rather serious medication, the use of which is strictly prohibited without a doctor’s prescription.
If the case of the disease is quite advanced, quite often experts recommend using Akriderm to treat eczema.
A hormonal drug, which contains glucorticosteroids, has the following effect on the course of the disease:
- itching and discomfort are reduced;
- inflammation is eliminated;
- allergic symptoms are relieved;
- swelling disappears.
Akriderm GK is used in the treatment of eczema in cases where the cause of the disease is a fungal infection . Since the drug, in addition to hormones, also contains antibacterial components, it makes it possible to suppress fungal microorganisms. This medicine has a wide spectrum of action, so it is perfect for treating eczema even in complex cases.
The treatment regimen is prescribed at an appointment with a specialist. According to the instructions, the product should be applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin twice a day. If the disease is mild, one dose per day is sufficient.
You are allowed to take the drug for no more than one month. If no positive dynamics are observed, it is necessary to take a biological fluid test and adjust the treatment using another medication. If you follow all the rules of use, positive results appear a week after starting to use Akriderm.
It is strictly forbidden to use Akriderm in the following cases:
- chicken pox disease;
- presence of skin tuberculosis;
- presence of open wounds;
- treatment of children.
You should not use the drug if you have an individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug. Accordingly, before starting use, you should do a test on a small area of skin.
If any allergic reactions are observed, you should stop using the drug and consult your doctor, who will recommend another drug. It is strictly forbidden to use Akriderm for the treatment of eczema during pregnancy and lactation without a doctor’s prescription. The reason for this is the negative effect of hormonal composition on fetal development and the quality of breast milk.
If you use Akriderm ointment for a long period, the following side effects may occur:
- problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
- high blood sugar;
- dysfunction of the adrenal glands;
- hersutism;
- allergic reactions.
Accordingly, taking into account the above points, it is necessary to very closely monitor the body’s reactions to this drug and in no case self-medicate. When applying the drug to the facial area, oral dermatitis may occur. It is also possible for the skin to become accustomed to the product.
Analogues of Akriderm, which also give positive results in the treatment of eczema, include Triderm, Kanizon plus, Triakutan. The attending physician may recommend one of these remedies if there is an individual intolerance to the components of Akriderm. Analogs have a lower price due to the fact that they have a much smaller range of actions compared to Akriderm.
It should be borne in mind that drugs that contain hormones should be taken with extreme caution and only as prescribed by a doctor. If you use the drug for a long period, not only side effects are possible, but also addiction to the drug, which is why you cannot achieve the desired result. This ointment for eczema perfectly helps to cope with this disease in a short period of time and has many positive reviews from patients. Discontinuation of Akriderm in the treatment of eczema should be gradual.
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Many external remedies are used to get rid of skin diseases. Doctors often prescribe acriderm ointment for eczema. This is a hormonal remedy that gives excellent results when used correctly.
Eczema is an inflammation of areas of the skin, accompanied by severe itching, redness, the appearance of blisters, ulcers, and peeling.
The most common cause of the disease is allergic reactions of the body to any irritants. In addition, the disease can be caused by:
- weakened immunity,
- hormonal disorders,
- synthetic fabrics,
- constant stress,
- constant contact with chemicals,
- harmful production.
For each person, the cause of the development of the disease is individual. Treatment is prescribed taking into account all the patient’s health characteristics.
Doctors prescribe products containing hormones only if treatment with antihistamines and regular ointments does not help. When using such drugs, it is worth remembering a few rules:
- Only a specialist can prescribe hormonal drugs. They can be used only in the indicated doses and not for long.
- With continuous use, side effects such as Cushing's syndrome may develop.
- As a rule, side effects do not appear immediately, but they become more difficult to get rid of.
- Hormonal medications are not prescribed to pregnant women. They should not be used by small children and nursing mothers.
As you can see, the medications are quite serious, you should follow all the instructions of your doctor.
In particularly advanced cases, specialists often prescribe acriderm for eczema. This is a hormonal drug containing glucocorticosteroids. He helps:
- cope with itching
- get rid of inflammation
- relieve allergy symptoms,
- eliminate swelling.
The product is available in the form of ointment and cream.
The main component of Akriderm is betamethasone dipropionate. It has a healing effect.
Akriderm GK for eczema is used if the cause of the disease is infection or fungi. In addition to the hormone, it contains an antibiotic and a substance that can cope with fungal microorganisms.
This drug has a wider spectrum of action, it helps to cope with the disease in an advanced state.
It is worth remembering that Akriderm should be prescribed by the attending physician. He will also indicate a treatment plan.
As a rule, ointment or cream is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. If the disease is mild, once will be enough.
You can use this remedy for up to one month, but no more. If there is no desired effect, it is necessary to retake the tests and make sure the diagnosis is correct.
If the rules of use are followed, a positive result is noted after a week of use.
In addition to eczema, Akriderm and its varieties are used to treat:
- psoriasis,
- chronic lichen,
- constant itching
- ichthyosis,
- neurodermatitis, etc.
Like any drug, Akriderm has certain contraindications. These include:
- chickenpox,
- lupus,
- herpes,
- childhood,
- open wounds.
Another contraindication is intolerance to any components. Don't forget to do a test before using this ointment.
If any allergic reactions occur, you should immediately consult your doctor. It may be better to replace the drug with another one.
As for pregnancy, doctors do not recommend using ointment during this period, especially in the first trimester. Hormonal composition can have an adverse effect on the health of the child and the expectant mother.
Akriderm is a hormonal medication, so some side effects are possible when taking it. It can be:
- irritation of the gastric mucosa, indigestion,
- During tests, increased sugar content may be detected in urine and blood,
- problems with the functionality of the adrenal glands,
- increased body hair growth, decreased pigmentation,
- the occurrence of allergic reactions in the affected areas.
Considering these points, you need to carefully monitor the body’s reaction to the drug. If any discomfort occurs, you should contact your doctor and change treatment if necessary.
It is not advisable to use the product on the face. A side effect of this use may be the development of perioral dermatitis.
After stopping the medication, the skin may turn red, inflammation and peeling may appear. If you start using Akriderm again, all these symptoms disappear, and when discontinued they appear again.
The conclusion is simple - using the medication on the face leads to addiction to the skin. You will have to be treated with other ointments and creams .
By the way, you should avoid getting it in your eyes.
Almost any medicine has analogues. Akriderm is no exception. There are some medications that are similar in their effects to it. This:
- Triderm,
- Kanizon plus,
- Triakutan,
The doctor can prescribe these medications if a person is intolerant to any of the components of Akriderm.
The price of the drug ranges from 100 rubles, but you will have to pay more for Akriderm GK due to its wider spectrum of action.
External hormonal agents should be used carefully. We must not forget that long-term use can lead to addiction and a decrease in the effect of treatment.
It is necessary to discontinue such medications by gradually reducing the dose. All medications must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.
The result could be disastrous. By the way, using several ointments at the same time can also lead to bad results.
Akriderm for eczema has received praise from many people. The drug really helps to cope with this disease in a fairly short time. You just have to listen to your doctor’s advice and follow all his instructions.
Akriderm is an ointment for topical use based on betamethasone. Akriderm is used for dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and neurodermatitis. It is a patented product and can be prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of various skin diseases.
The drug is available as an ointment in aluminum tubes of 15, 30 and 50 grams. The tube is enclosed in a cardboard box.
The main active ingredient is the glucocorticosteroid betamethasone. Additional components are represented by formative components:
- petrolatum;
- paraffin;
- glycerol;
- water;
- wax;
- Trilon-B.
There are three more ointments of the Akriderm family with the corresponding prefixes:
- Genta – additionally includes the antibiotic gentamicin.
- SA – added salicylic acid.
- GC – gentamicin and antifungal agent clotrimazole.
The presence of additional substances allows you to accurately select a remedy for a particular pathology . Betamethasone practically does not penetrate the skin, therefore, when used correctly, systemic reactions of the body are mild or absent. But since this substance is approximately 25 times stronger than those synthesized in the body, uncontrolled use of the drug will have serious consequences.
The classic Akriderm cream has the following indications:
- All types of dermatitis - atopic, allergic, contact, seborrheic, solar (acute and chronic forms).
- Eczema – true, microbial, dyshidrotic.
- Psoriasis.
- Skin itching of various etiologies - insect bites, the action of irritants.
- Lichen planus.
The product is used in the treatment of all types of allergic skin reactions. The ointment is used for hives, severe itching, swelling, peeling of the skin, and rashes.
For the treatment of eczema and psoriasis, Akriderm SK cream is best suited, since salicylic acid enhances the effect of betamethasone. It is also a keratolytic agent - it reduces itching and flaking of the skin, promotes its renewal.
For the treatment of dermatitis complicated by a fungus or microbial infection, Akriderm GK is prescribed. It is also used in complex therapy of various dermatomycosis, pityriasis versicolor and neurodermatitis.
The main active ingredient of the cream, betamethasone, has a strong anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. Due to this, the severity of all allergic manifestations on the skin is reduced and inflammation is relieved. The therapeutic effect can only be achieved through the use of a cream, but complex therapy is often indicated .
Like all hormonal products, this cream has a list of contraindications:
- Allergy to any of the components.
- Open wounds, even small ones.
- Chicken pox, herpes simplex.
- Rosacea, juvenile acne.
Important aspects:
- The drug should not be used on the face, especially around the eyes.
- The course of treatment is determined individually, but not more than 2 weeks.
- In children under 1 year of age, the product can only be used after consulting a pediatrician.
- Up to 12 years of age, the medicine should be used with caution, since in children the onset of systemic reactions is faster than in adults.
A 50 gram tube contains approximately 25 mg of glucocorticoid. Usually the ointment is simply applied to the surface of the body, but sometimes occlusive dressings are used - for severe dermatitis, pronounced urticaria. The use of the medicine in this way must be agreed with your doctor, as adverse reactions may develop .
To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to apply the cream to the affected surface 1-3 times a day (as determined by the doctor) in a thin layer. If the lesion occupies more than 20% of the body area, a doctor’s consultation is necessary - with such an amount of medication, side effects will occur much faster. Usually, the ointment is applied to areas with delicate skin (hands, neck, groin area) twice a day - morning and evening, and after an hour it is removed with a damp cloth. Where the skin is rougher - three times a day, leave to absorb for about an hour, after which the residues are also removed.
In the absence of contraindications, adults can use the cream for no more than 2 weeks, but usually the course of therapy does not exceed 6-8 days. Symptomatic treatment is possible - after consultation with a doctor.
Akriderm ointment is usually used for eczema of the hands, lesions of the hands and legs (including feet).
In children aged 1 to 12 years, the drug should be used with caution and only after consulting a pediatrician. It is not advisable to use the product in areas with delicate skin - the groin area, hands, neck, face. If any side effects occur, you should immediately stop treatment and choose another remedy.
Long-term use can lead to Cushing's syndrome, skin atrophy, stomach problems, and growth retardation. In children, these reactions occur faster than in adults.
To this day, it is not known exactly whether glucocorticoids penetrate the placental barrier and into breast milk. Single studies conducted at different times have conflicting information. That is why the use of the drug during pregnancy is undesirable and is justified only in cases where the benefit to the mother is more important than the possible damage to the child . The course of treatment should be shorter (up to 10 days); during lactation it is worth refusing either the drug or breastfeeding - in order to avoid possible risks.
Akriderm is a hormonal drug, its use is associated with certain health risks.
The medicine should not be used if there are disorders of the adrenal glands or the hormonal-pituitary system. It is not advisable to use in combination with oral contraceptives.
If there is a fungal or bacterial infection at the site where the cream is applied, you should stop the course of treatment and take a course of special antibiotics and antifungal agents.
Akriderm has non-hormonal analogues that are weaker in action, but do not have pronounced side effects. For example, these are drugs based on pimecrolimus, a non-hormonal drug that has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects. It costs about twice as much as Akriderm.
Among the hormonal analogues are:
- Foreign: Advantan (contains a stronger glucocorticoid), Celestoderm. In general, these drugs have a higher degree of purification, and accordingly, they are more expensive. Used for eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis.
- Domestic ones - Bemilon, Cleore - also contain betamethasone. The first contains the antiseptic chlorhexidine, the second - urea.
It is impossible to select a specific drug from a huge list. Usually the doctor focuses on the active ingredient and any additives in the composition. Foreign medicines, as a rule, have a higher degree of purification and are less likely to cause allergies . Their reviews are better than their Russian counterparts, but the price is higher. Therefore, you should choose based not only on the therapeutic effect, but also on your wallet.
Published: November 26, 2020 at 08:35 pm
Treatment of eczema manifestations is carried out using a number of means that are aimed at eliminating the symptoms and causes of the disease. One of the effective medications for eczema is Akriderm ointment. This remedy is used to suppress itching, inflammation, and allergic reactions of the body. The medicine belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids.
The action of the drug is based on betamethasone. Betamethasone dipropinate is a synthetic hormone. It has strong antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, antiexudative and antiallergic effects. One of its features is the ability to inhibit the rate of accumulation of leukocytes and lysosomal enzymes.
Akriderm ointment for eczema suppresses a process such as phagocytosis - the digestion of foreign microorganisms and solid particles by special tissue and blood cells. Thus, tissue-vascular permeability decreases in the body. Thanks to this, swelling very rarely appears, and those swellings that do form quickly stop.
When applying the product to large areas of skin, it is recommended to use an occlusive dressing. It increases the effect of ointment or cream several times.
This drug is available in several versions:
- Akriderm in cream form . In addition to betamethasone dipropinate, it contains excipients - petroleum jelly, paraffin, disodium salt, propylene glycol. The cream has a less viscous consistency.
- Akriderm SK . The appendix to the name means the presence of another active substance in the medicine - salicylic acid. It adds antiseptic and keratolytic (cleansing and softening) properties to Akriderm SK ointment. Salicylic acid helps restore skin affected by eczema. Additional substances that make up the ointment include petroleum jelly and petroleum jelly.
- Akriderm-Ghent . This product, in addition to betamethasone, contains the antibiotic gentamicin sulfate. The drug is used for eczema in case of associated infection. This substance destroys areas of accumulation of streptococci, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and many other pathogenic microorganisms.
- Akriderm GK . This medicine contains betamethasone and the synthetic substance clotrimazole. Has a strong antifungal effect. Prescribed when a fungal infection occurs at the site of the inflammatory process. The product also contains gentamicin, thanks to which it can suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms on the affected areas of the skin.
Due to its universal properties, very often doctors prescribe Akriderm ointment for eczema. Reviews from many patients also inspire confidence in this hormonal medicine. Drugs similar in action are ointments Beloderm, Celestoderm-B, Diprosalik.
Eczema is one of the most common human skin diseases. It manifests itself...
A pathological process such as infectious eczema develops due to a whole complex of factors. It may…
Eczema with vesicles with a diameter of 1 to 3 mm, which are filled with a clear liquid, initially forms ...
Recommendations for reading for you personally!
Maria Zavarzina — 14 June 2020, 04:45
I know what it's like to live with red, swollen skin that itches so much you can't sit. I know how you feel when they look at you like a LEPER, as if you have some kind of contagious disease! I know what it's like to hide yourself under clothes so people don't ask questions. My doctor told me that I would never cure my ECZEMA! But when, through much trial and error, torment, tears and worries, and tons of money wasted on medicine, I was finally cured, he was stunned. In my treatment, I relied on Rekzemin gel. He helped me - I got rid of the hated eczema in just 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS! After 7 years of suffering! God bless!
Marina Petrovna — June 13, 2020, 04:30
I don’t have eczema, but a colleague at work got rid of it with the help of Rekzemina. I don’t know why or how, but this new remedy helped her! I ordered it online, I think.
Olga — 29 Jan 2020, 01:42
I use Akriderm cream for eczema on my fingers. The drug does NOT help.
Prevention of recurrence of eczema on the hands
Preventing the disease from returning is one of the important components of treating any illness. Also, preventive measures will be useful for people who have a hereditary predisposition to the development of pathology.
- If possible, give up bad habits: reduce the amount of alcohol you drink, protect yourself from nicotine.
- Normalize your diet. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to adhere to strict dietary restrictions, eliminate potential food allergens completely, and also use gentle cooking methods. In the remission stage, do not get carried away by returning harmful foods to the menu, which bring not only pleasure, but also harm. These include sweets, fast food, fatty, fried foods. Stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in most cases, is a guarantee that the symptoms will not remind of themselves for a long time.
- Avoid contact with allergens and aggressive chemicals as much as possible. Always carry out cleaning with household cleaning products and washing dishes only with gloves; a small amount of the substance that gets on the skin of your hands is enough to give rise to the disease.
- Avoid prolonged stress, mental and psycho-emotional overload. If this is not possible, discuss the possibility of sedative and antipsychotic medications with your doctor.
- During the cold season, try to avoid hypothermia of your hands: cold has an irritating effect on the nerve endings, so the disease often returns in late autumn and winter.
- And most importantly: do not forget about timely seeking professional medical help at the first signs of pathology. Eczema is a chronic disease, therefore, when diagnosed, the patient is registered with a dermatologist. This is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the process and correct the prescribed treatment.
Dear readers, today in the article “Eczema on the hands: ointment for treatment” we examined only the basic means for combating the disease. If you still have questions, and also want to discuss points that did not fit into this publication, then we can discuss everything in the comments.
Our next meeting will be devoted to studying the topic “Eczema on the legs: ointments for treatment.” Let’s touch on the main differences in the treatment of this form of dermatitis and tell you about various drugs.