Wen on a child’s face: causes, photos, how to get rid of it?

What is a wen?

Wen are benign lumps that arise from adipose tissue and are covered with a fibrous membrane. They can be either congenital or acquired, developing in the subcutaneous layer. In the absence of immunity, they can penetrate into the space between muscles and also affect bones.

In most cases, wen develops in girls. It can appear on any part of the body, including the face. Lipoma cannot transform into a malignant tumor, but it can lead to other problems. The seal may simply be visually unsightly, which can lead to ridicule from peers.

Types of formations and their localization

All wen are movable, closed-type pimples that are white in color. Upon palpation, the doctor can detect the lobular structure of the formation. In total, experts distinguish four groups of wen, which do not have significant differences, except for the choice of treatment tactics.

Small white nodules that appear most often in groups of 6-8 pieces. In children, milia are localized on the wings of the nose, frontal and temporal areas.

Movable white wen of large size (can reach 1-1.5 cm), which appear in areas with thin skin. In children, this is the bridge of the nose, the space around the eyes, the area between the eyebrows. When palpated, xanthomas can move, as they have a movable structure.

This type of wen is formed in the deep layers of subcutaneous fat and often grows into the space between the muscle layers, reaching the bone and connective tissue. They can appear on any part of the face.

Formations, most often localized in the area of ​​the upper eyelid. They have a yellowish color and a random flat shape. The structure is soft and flexible.


The main reasons for the appearance of lipomas on the face are:

  1. Malfunctions of the mother's hormones before the birth of the child.
  2. Genetic predisposition. The tendency for lipomas to appear in a child is inherited.
  3. Problems with the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  4. Disruption of the sebaceous glands. This is the main reason for the appearance of white wen, which resemble pimples.
  5. Increased skin sensitivity.
  6. Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
  7. The use of synthetic undershirts and diapers.

Types of lipomas on the face in newborns:

  • Milia. This wen appears on a child’s nose. Goes away on its own without the use of medications.

  • Large lipomas. Such wen should cause concern among parents, especially if they become inflamed. Their danger lies in the fact that they are capable of squeezing blood vessels. Traditional recipes cannot be used to treat large wen.
  • Lipomas can appear on the gums of children under 1 year of age. In most cases it goes away on its own.
  • Wen on the head and face are dangerous. They must be removed, but only after the child turns 5 years old. This is done mainly through surgery.
  • Wen on the lips, cheeks and in the eye area are a consequence of insufficient functioning of the sebaceous glands. They disappear without drug therapy and look like small white pimples.

Older children may have lipomas, which will be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Having excess weight.
  2. Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  3. Poor nutrition with the use of large amounts of preservatives and chemical additives.
  4. Physical inactivity.
  5. Bad ecology.

Lipoma on a child’s face: a review of methods of getting rid of it

Lipoma is a benign tumor that consists of connective and adipose tissue. On palpation, the compaction is painless and has a hard consistency. It occurs due to metabolic disorders and causes aesthetic discomfort in the baby. You can get rid of wen on a child’s face with the help of medications, hardware procedures, and surgical methods.

Which fatty deposits on a child’s face do not need to be removed?

Milia are formations on the body of a baby, externally presented in the form of white pimples without purulent contents. The rash is localized on the nose. Wen on the face of a baby is a variant of the physiological norm and is explained by imperfections in the structure of the sebaceous glands. There is no need to get rid of them. They go away on their own within 1-1.5 months after birth.

There are other types of lipomas: xanthomas, xanthelasmas. If the white wen on a baby’s face does not cause him discomfort, does not increase in size, and does not have a tendency to become a malignant tumor, then there is no need to get rid of them. To speed up the process, monitor your child’s nutrition and hygiene.

Causes of rashes on the face in newborns:

  • failures of hormone synthesis in the mother of the baby;
  • heredity, genetic predisposition;
  • uncontrolled growth of adipose tissue;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • diseases of internal organs (thyroid, pancreas).

The task of parents is to control the actions of the child and prevent damage to pimples.

Is it safe to remove wen at home?

It is not recommended to get rid of lipoma on the face of any location on your own, without the instructions of a doctor. After unsuccessful removal, the child may be left with a scar. If the pimple cannot be removed completely, there remains a risk of recurrence.

It is not safe to get rid of formations located on the face near the mucous membranes, or wen on a child’s eyelid. You can remove a wen under the eye at home, but it is dangerous due to suppuration and infection of the wound. dangerous due to suppuration and infection of the wound. It will be more difficult to carry out therapy in the future.

It is also not recommended to get rid of multiple rashes – lipomatosis – on your own.

Methods for effectively getting rid of lipomas on a child’s face

For diagnosis, you need to contact a pediatrician and dermatologist. They carry out the following activities: medical history, examination, laboratory tests such as blood and urine tests. The surgical intervention is performed by a surgeon.

When to get rid of lipoma:

  • a sharp increase in size;
  • painful symptoms;
  • aesthetic discomfort.

If the child’s lump is small, the doctor recommends drug therapy. If there is no result, they get rid of the tumor using hardware methods and surgical surgery.

After elimination, the wen is sent for histological examination.

Laser removal

The doctor cuts the skin of the child’s face with a laser and gets rid of the formation. The high-precision beam acts directly on the problem area and does not cause damage to healthy cells.

The method is bloodless and low-traumatic. The risk of infection during lipoma removal is minimal. The operation can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

The duration of the procedure depends on the size of the lump; on average, they get rid of the wen in 15-20 minutes.

The recovery period takes 7-14 days, the period depends on the size of the tumor. No special care measures are required.

Laser removal of lipomas on the face in children is not carried out if there are contraindications:

  • viral diseases, infections;
  • children under 5 years of age;
  • immunodeficiencies;
  • oncological diseases;
  • seals over 5 cm in diameter;
  • diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation.

Surgical removal

Facial removal surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia in a hospital inpatient unit. If there are no complications, the patient is sent home the same day. Before the intervention, it is clarified whether the child is allergic to medications.

Types of surgical operations:

  1. Excision - the doctor makes an incision and uses a scalpel to remove the capsule. If the size is large, drainage is provided. The operation ends with stitches, which subsequently dissolve on their own. Wound care is required for 10-14 days. After excision, scars and cicatrices may form.
  2. Endoscopic destruction. A microscopic incision is made through which the endoscope is inserted. The operation is less traumatic compared to excision.
  3. Liposuction is the introduction of a special surgical instrument into the formation; adipose tissue is pumped out of the capsule.

Indications for surgical intervention when getting rid of a child’s face:

  • tumor size over 5 cm;
  • pain, swelling, discharge of blood and ichor from the formation;
  • friction on clothes.

Unless there are emergency indications, it is not recommended to perform surgery on children under 2 years of age.


If a tumor on a child’s face tends to grow, it must be removed immediately. You can get rid of a small lump with the help of medications, traditional medicine, and low-traumatic hardware procedures.

If the cause of the pathology is a disease of the internal organs, getting rid of the tumor is not enough. She may appear again. Therapy should be aimed primarily at eliminating the disease that caused lipomatosis in the child.

Removal methodDescription
  • aloe juice;
  • celandine juice;
  • sheep wool compress with laundry soap;
  • chicken egg film;
  • paste from coltsfoot leaves;
  • baked onion.

Alternative medicine is not used to treat a child’s face with individual sensitivity or allergic reactions. Seals in the area of ​​the mucous membranes are treated with caution; herbal medicine should not be allowed to come into contact with the eyes.

MedicationThe use of drugs that promote breakthrough or reduction in size of the abscess. This is Vishnevsky ointment, ichthyol ointment, Videstream. The method is suitable for small seals.
Hardware procedures
  1. Radio waves – removal using a radio wave knife. This method is used to get rid of wen on the face no more than 3 cm in diameter.
  2. Cryodestruction - removal with liquid nitrogen, removal of lipoma in a child occurs through exposure to low temperatures.
  3. Electrocoagulation is used for small sizes. The coagulator evaporates the seal along with the capsule, thereby providing a long-term effect.
  4. Hardware procedures for disposal are carried out under local anesthesia. The likelihood of scarring and cicatricial formation is minimal.

During treatment, you must follow a diet: exclude spicy, salty, fried, and canned foods.

Possible complications of improper lipoma removal and how to avoid them

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To prevent the situation from worsening, you must follow your doctor's recommendations. It is forbidden to independently get rid of formations in children using the following methods: piercing, squeezing (the likelihood of infection in the wound). You should use traditional methods with caution; not all of them are suitable for removing wen on the face.

Possible consequences of improper removal in a child:

  • wound infection;
  • the appearance of scars and scars on the face;
  • danger of relapse;
  • increased body temperature on the first or second day after surgery;
  • the appearance of hematomas and edema.

Care for a facial wound after disposal includes:

  • timely replacement of dressing material;
  • use of medications (antiseptics, healing medications);
  • proper care: do not touch the damaged area with your hands, avoid exposure to open sunlight. Do not wet the wound or apply decorative cosmetics.

For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene. It is recommended to strengthen the immune system through a healthy lifestyle, hardening, and moderate physical activity. The child’s diet should include fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.

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Source: //VashaDerma.ru/zhiroviki/izbavitsya-na-litse-rebenka

How to determine?

Small lipomas do not cause any harm to the baby. They are discovered completely by accident. In most cases there are no symptoms of this disease. They develop very slowly and may not change at all for several years.

Rarely does the lump grow. In this case, it is necessary to take radical measures.

The presence of wen on the face can be determined easily and simply through a visual examination.

Signs that indicate external lipoma:

  1. Soft and elastic.
  2. It is not fused to the skin, so it is mobile.
  3. No pain.
  4. The wen has a small size, oval or round shape.


It is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can diagnose and prescribe treatment. These health problems are examined by a dermatologist or pediatrician. The disease is generally diagnosed after a visual examination and collection of a medical history.

Additional diagnostics are required in cases where the wen begins to grow rapidly, pus appears and the inflammatory process occurs, as well as when the neoplasm is large.

  1. On a computed tomography scan you can see the structure of adipose tissue. It all depends on the absorption of X-rays by the surrounding soft tissue.
  2. Ultrasound. Wen in children look like hypoechoic formations with a delicate capsule.
  3. Analysis of urine.
  4. Blood analysis. It is necessary to exclude the presence of diseases of the endocrine system.

Why is it dangerous?

As a rule, wen is not dangerous to children's health. However, depending on its location, certain problems may arise.

Thus, when a formation forms in the scalp area, there is a risk of damage, against which an inflammatory process or suppuration may begin to develop.

If the abdomen becomes the localization site, then the appearance of an abscess cannot be ruled out.

Large lipomas can cause sepsis and mental disorders.

Treatment with surgery

There are several types of surgical interventions in the world.

  1. Liposuction of lipoma. These are minimally invasive interventions. The tumor is removed, but the capsule is completely preserved. The positive result is very high in terms of cosmetic effect. But there is a risk of recurrence of the disease.
  2. Using a laser scalpel. The method is used only for small-sized wen. With the help of evaporation, the neoplasm is eliminated. Very fast healing process compared to surgery. The scar is almost invisible. Another advantage is that during laser treatment the vessels are sealed. The risk of bleeding is minimal. The risk of infection is also reduced. The only disadvantage is the high cost of the procedure. It is used under general or local anesthesia. The use of laser surgery is recommended only in the presence of serious disorders.
  3. Operation. The lipoma is peeled off, together with the capsule in which it is located. After surgery, a scar remains. After a short time, its size decreases significantly and a small thin strip remains. The main advantage is the low probability of relapse.

Any operation takes place within a short time - about 30 minutes. Surgical intervention must be carried out in the morning so that the child’s pain disappears by the evening.

Very often, a new one may appear at the site of a removed tumor. In the presence of a genetic predisposition and weakened immunity, wen can appear in different parts of the body.

Wen on the face of a child: causes, symptoms and methods of treating the tumor

Wen (lipomas or milia) are benign tumors that can appear in a child from birth. The main reason for the formation of lipomas in infancy is the immaturity of the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

In most cases, wen is not a pathology and does not require special treatment, but sometimes the doctor may decide on the need for conservative therapy or surgical excision of the tumor.

Types of formations and their localization

All wen are movable, closed-type pimples that are white in color. Upon palpation, the doctor can detect the lobular structure of the formation. In total, experts distinguish four groups of wen, which do not have significant differences, except for the choice of treatment tactics.

Small white nodules that appear most often in groups of 6-8 pieces. In children, milia are localized on the wings of the nose, frontal and temporal areas.

Movable white wen of large size (can reach 1-1.5 cm), which appear in areas with thin skin. In children, this is the bridge of the nose, the space around the eyes, the area between the eyebrows. When palpated, xanthomas can move, as they have a movable structure.

This type of wen is formed in the deep layers of subcutaneous fat and often grows into the space between the muscle layers, reaching the bone and connective tissue. They can appear on any part of the face.

Formations, most often localized in the area of ​​the upper eyelid. They have a yellowish color and a random flat shape. The structure is soft and flexible.

Only a specialist can correctly determine the type of formation and draw a conclusion about the need for medical or surgical treatment. In most cases, lumps in children go away on their own, so therapy for this type of benign tumor is rarely prescribed.

Why wen appears on a child’s face: reasons

The main reason for the appearance of wen in children is the improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, which results in blockage of the ducts. This is a physiological state of a newborn baby, which normalizes by 2-3 months, so specific treatment is not required in this situation.

Some doctors believe that lipomas can appear due to impaired metabolism - in this case, the child must be shown to a pediatric endocrinologist to rule out severe congenital diseases.

The release of female hormones in the mother's body before the onset of labor can also affect the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands, causing them to become blocked. If pimples do not become inflamed or fester, there is no need to worry about their occurrence.

In older children, lipomas can be caused by the following factors:

  • unbalanced diet with a large number of flavors, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other chemical additives;
  • excess body weight;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (for example, chronic pyelonephritis, which affects about 35% of children aged 3 to 12 years);
  • physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle).

Doctors do not exclude the influence of a hereditary factor. If parents encountered milia or lipomas in childhood, the likelihood that the pathology will manifest itself in the child is more than 50%.

Surgical treatment of lipoma

The use of surgical methods is justified if the lipoma is large or growing rapidly.

The risk increases if the tumor is in the neck, as it can block important blood vessels.

The situation is the same with wen located in the ears: if the wen begins to grow, it can block part of the auditory canal and reduce hearing acuity.

In some cases, changes may be irreversible, so parents should not refuse the proposed surgical treatment if such indications exist.

There are several methods of radical therapy that will help remove fatty tissue in childhood.

Using a special laser knife, the lipoma and its capsule are excised from the connective tissue. The operation can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. For children under 10 years of age, use of the method is recommended only if there are serious indications. Some clinics do not perform this operation on adolescents under fourteen years of age.

This is the cauterization of the tumor with electric current. This treatment method is considered effective only for small lipomas, since it is not always possible to control the complete removal of the tumor. If the pathological tissue is not completely excised, the chance of recurrence will be about 38-40%.

A special needle with a thin tube is inserted into the formation, through which the doctor pumps out the contents of the capsule. The method is also not effective enough, since there remains a risk of refilling the capsule.

Important! Surgical treatment of lipoma in childhood is used only in the absence of effect from conservative therapy or in the presence of serious indications. In all other cases, experts advise fighting milia (if necessary) using medications.

How to get rid of lipoma with medication?

For the conservative treatment of milia and lipomas, topical medications are used. Children can use “Ichthyol ointment” or “Vishnevsky Ointment”.

They prevent inflammation and infection of formations, draw out pus and promote restoration of the epithelial layer and wound healing. The drugs are used according to the following scheme:

  • apply a small amount of ointment to the wen and cover with a cotton pad, leaving overnight (repeat the procedure for three days);
  • two days - break;
  • Repeat the procedure again for another three days.

In some cases, to get rid of the problem, the doctor may suggest injecting medicine directly into the tumor. This is done using a thin needle. This method has its pros and cons.

The advantages include the absence of scars after lipoma resorption, which is especially important when treating formations that are located on the face.

Among the disadvantages, experts highlight the following:

  • insufficiently effective (about 25% of lipomas recur after such treatment);
  • duration of therapeutic result (more than 2 months);
  • impossibility of use for tumors larger than 2 cm.

Important! Treatment must be combined with diet. It is necessary to exclude spicy and fried foods, any canned food, marinades, and sauces from the child’s diet (with the exception of tomato sauces and dressings). Butter baked goods should be consumed in limited quantities no more than once a week.

Skin care after wen removal

For several days after removal, the problem area must be treated with a cotton swab soaked in iodine or any alcohol tincture (you can use calendula or St. John's wort).

This is necessary to disinfect the skin and prevent re-infection. For this purpose, medicinal antiseptic solutions, for example, Miramistin or Chlorhexidine, work well.

After removing the wen, it is important to maintain facial skin hygiene. While the baby is small, instead of washing, you need to wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water. The procedure must be repeated 2 times a day (further - as necessary, for example, if the child spits up or gets dirty).

Prevention measures

Experts still cannot say exactly what exactly provokes the formation of milia and lipomas, but it has been proven that following certain recommendations significantly reduces the risk of their occurrence. These include:

  • correspondence of physical activity to the age of the child;
  • maintaining a balanced diet, which includes all vital food groups (meat and fish, cottage cheese and dairy products, fruits, herbs, berries, nuts, vegetables, cereals, etc.);
  • proper care of the child’s skin and compliance with hygiene standards.

Wen in children is an unpleasant cosmetic defect that most often goes away on its own and does not require specialized treatment. In no case should you press or pierce the milia yourself, as this can cause inflammation and infection of the tumor.

Any treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist after examining the child and studying the test results.

Source: //dozhdalis.ru/zhirovik-na-litse-u-rebenka.html

Preventative measures after surgery

There are a few simple rules that must be followed:

  1. It is not recommended to wet the suture in the first days after surgery.
  2. First, you need to change your child's bandage every day. Only use a new bandage, gauze pads and cotton wool. After surgery, it is advisable to use pharmaceutical antiseptics.
  3. If the bandage sticks to the wound, you need to use hydrogen peroxide, as well as saline solution.
  4. After the operation, it is recommended to use Contractubex ointment. This will help avoid the formation of a rough scar, especially important for the baby.
  5. You can't lift weights for a whole month.

Treatment with drugs

To treat wen, it is necessary to take topical medications.

  1. You can use “Vishnevsky Ointment” or “Ichthyol Ointment”. They help eliminate the inflammatory process and also promote faster healing of wounds.
  2. Gistan. It is used when there is a risk of an inflammatory process.
  3. We see. This drug contains retinol. It promotes faster breakdown of fat. The medication helps reduce the size of the lump.

It is recommended to apply any of these medications twice a day - morning and evening in a thin layer.


The risk of benign lump formation can be reduced by using special preventive measures.

  1. Active lifestyle. It is advisable for the child to do exercises in the morning.
  2. Walks in the open air.
  3. It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  4. Proper nutrition. It is recommended to consume a large amount of vegetables, fruits, as well as dairy and fermented milk products.

A baby's fatty tissue is a benign lump of connective and adipose tissue. They rarely grow and become inflamed, but if this happens, it is necessary to carry out the necessary treatment as quickly as possible.

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