How I wish that yesterday’s trip to the beauty salon was the last in my life. How I want smooth skin on my face, a tightened neck after yesterday’s mask, an even tone and a pleasant blush to remain with me forever... But no - I am the happy owner of very oily skin and I reassure myself that my skin ages slower than other types, but how I'm tired of this oily shine after lunch and constant comedones. Is it possible to make caring for oily skin at home a pleasant procedure and perform a rejuvenating complex on your favorite sofa? It is possible and necessary, and not only on the couch, but first things first.
Causes of facial skin problems
It seems that only adolescents during puberty suffer from this disease, but this is not at all the case. Even adults are susceptible to rashes and acne. This is a fairly serious illness that occurs for a number of reasons:
- Genetic predisposition. If someone in your immediate family has suffered or is suffering from the same illness, there is a high probability that it is a matter of DNA. Even before birth, all the properties, structure and type of skin are laid down in the genes;
- External factors. Don't underestimate them, our environment greatly affects our organs and the skin is the largest of them. This point is most relevant for people living in big cities or near factories. Frequent temperature changes also do not have the best effect on the condition of the skin;
- Incorrect care. If you use anything, choose products that are not suitable for the type, structure and age - this will lead to certain problems. You need to take this point as seriously as possible and review your cosmetics bag for suitability. Incorrectly selected skincare or decorative cosmetics can cause inflammation, rashes and irritation;
- Diseases of internal organs. The body signals a problem in different ways: skin inflammation, irritation, hair loss, and so on. You need to listen to your body and learn to understand it. If you suspect that the problem is internal, consult a doctor. He will find the cause and eliminate the disease. And along with it, skin problems;
- Unhealthy lifestyle: smoking, alcohol, promiscuity, poor diet and regular lack of sleep have certain consequences. Bad skin is one of them. Reconsider your lifestyle. Most likely, with changes for the better, health problems will go away;
- Unhealthy and irregular diet. It’s not trite, but we are what we eat. Abuse of fatty, fried, salty, spicy, etc. does not lead to anything good. Fat deposits increase, health worsens, and acne appears all over the body. Pay attention to your diet, maybe it’s something to do with it?
Whatever the reason leads to illness, problematic skin needs proper comprehensive care.
Briefly about facial skin types
Facial skin can be normal, dry, oily, combination, sensitive. Those with normal skin are lucky: they don’t have to deal with shine and enlarged pores, or with peeling and irritation.
Dry skin care
more troublesome. It is thin, with noticeable capillaries, poorly functioning sebaceous glands, lipid deficiency, and, therefore, with weakened protection. Peeling and tightness cause concern
Sensitive skin
requires even more attention to yourself. It reacts strongly to external irritants with redness, peeling, itching, swelling and even inflammation.
Combination skin
- this is a lightweight version of the oily type: the skin is shiny in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin), and normal in other areas.
Oily skin
considered the most problematic. The reason for everything is excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
Problem skin: home care
Be patient, it will take a lot of time. A few rules and recommendations to follow:
- Make your work easier - reconsider your diet and lifestyle. You need to start with these two points, otherwise there will be no point. If you continue to eat tasty and unhealthy food, smoke and drink, no amount of care will help. By eliminating harmful and unhealthy foods, you will help the body work normally and cleanse itself of waste and toxins. The sooner you do this, the sooner you will notice the desired changes in appearance;
- Try homemade recipes for making scrub masks. They have been tested over the years on hundreds of girls. They are prepared easily and cheaply using improvised materials. Before using on your face, be sure to check for allergies;
- Do not crush pimples and blackheads. This should be done by specially trained specialists. They know how not to harm the skin and will tell you. By squeezing on your own, you can aggravate the situation, cause an infection and end up on the surgeon’s table. The outlook is not very bright;
- Regularity - proper care for problem skin is based on it. If you forget, procrastinate and are lazy, you will not have the desired effect. Wash your face daily with cool (not cold!) water in the morning and evening, cleanse your skin with special products. Nourish with masks twice a week, scrub or peel four times a month;
- No soap. It dries out the skin and will make the problem worse. Milk, foam, hydrophilic oil and other special cosmetics are your option.
Additional care products
Beauty recipes at home involve not only care with masks. There are ways to preserve and maintain the beauty of oily skin using simple but effective techniques. It doesn't take much time, but the result can exceed all expectations.
- ice cubes - by freezing mineral water, you can get an excellent tonic for the face, especially in the summer;
- washing with herbal infusions - having prepared a decoction from a mixture of herbs (chamomile, sage, linden blossom) and cooled it to room temperature, you should wash your face throughout the day;
- Cucumber is a cosmetologist for all times, it is very easy to use - just wipe your face with a piece of cucumber.
Problem skin care system
Care must be taken strictly in a certain order. Chaoticity and spontaneity will not lead to the desired result. There are only 4 main points:
- Cleansing. Choose products that suit your skin and age. Avoid cosmetics with aggressive surfactants (soapy base), look for delicate and soft ingredients in the composition. Be sure to cleanse your skin twice a day: in the evening from dust and dirt from the street, in the morning from dust and cream residues on the pillowcase;
- Toning. Standard toners are not suitable for problem skin; look for hydrolates (steam extract from herbs and flowers). Approach your choice wisely and carefully: pay attention to the packaging, expiration date and appearance of the liquid. If something bothers you, it’s better not to take it. Errors in preparation, leaky packaging and expired expiration dates lead to the growth of bacteria and fungi inside the hydrosol;
- Hydration. Choose products that suit your skin characteristics. Look for hyaluronic acid and aloe extract in the composition. This point is very important, even oily skin needs hydration;
- Eating with masks. A one-time and precise blow to the problem. After the masks, the skin is smooth, matte and looks healthy. You can’t do them every day, as there is a risk of over-saturating the skin, which will lead to new rashes.
Features of care
The secret of preserving beauty lies, first of all, in proper cleansing, since blockage of pores occurs precisely because of excess sebum, which, when mixed with keratinized scales of the epidermis, creates a film on the skin that interferes with metabolic processes.
- washing at least three times a day, using cleansing foams and gels marked “for oily skin” is mandatory;
- removing makeup exclusively with the use of a special product for oily skin;
- toning the skin with lotions to restore lymph and blood circulation in the tissues;
- washing with herbal decoctions once a day, decoctions of calendula, cornflower, oak bark, chamomile are suitable (it is important that the decoction is fresh each time);
- steam baths, steaming procedures;
- systematic visits to a cosmetologist for more complex care procedures.
Daily care for problem skin: a few more rules
- Soap is only suitable for washing hands. It is not recommended to wash any other part of the body with it. After it, a feeling of tightness, dryness, and peeling appears. If the skin dries out, the sebaceous glands produce twice as much sebum, which results in oily sheen and new acne;
- Decorative (foundation, liquid shadows, highlighter, etc.) and care (cream, serum, oil, lotion, etc.) cosmetics are best applied with a special brush. This way you will reduce the risk of infection and growth of the inflammatory process. The main thing is not to forget to wash this very brush with soap more often. It’s better to get several at once: one for decorative products, the second for care products;
- Eat right, don't do yourself any favors. Some people are lucky and problems do not appear immediately, while others only need to think about a burger and a new pimple pops up. Try to control yourself. Remember how important this is for your beauty and health;
- Don't overuse your face. Excessive use of even the most delicate means will lead to the consequences of the first point. The lipid barrier is the skin's natural protection from the environment. If you constantly remove it, more sebum will be produced, which leads to an oily sheen, many rashes and blackheads;
- Do not rub your skin with a towel. Blot gently with paper towels. Rubbing with a towel can injure the skin and accelerate the appearance of facial wrinkles;
- Do not get carried away with scrubs, peelings and other methods of exfoliation/harsh cleansing. You can dry out your skin, which will lead to cracks, facial wrinkles and microtraumas. In this case, all comprehensive care for problem skin will have to be postponed and reconsidered until the tissues regenerate;
- Any mechanical impact on the skin is permissible only in a cosmetologist’s office. Don't touch your face yourself. At best, you will speed up the spread of inflammation, or you may cause an infection or pinch a nerve. In this case, a trip to the doctor and long-term recovery are guaranteed.
Errors when leaving
Abuse of methods and products during care in an effort to reduce fat content can backfire. You need to take care of your face correctly, avoiding the following mistakes:
- too aggressive preparations for drying, as a result, the skin secretion begins to be released even more intensely;
- self-squeezing out acne - opening ulcers at home without sufficient disinfection makes it possible to introduce infection into an open wound;
- poor nutrition, abuse of strict diets, as a result of which metabolic processes throughout the body are disrupted, including the circulation of substances in the skin tissues;
- medications for the treatment of acne that are taken orally but do not cause improvement are selected incorrectly;
- Abuse of masks, scrubs and peels for oily skin at home causes it to produce sebum more actively due to the threat of drying.
System for caring for problem skin: sorting out the types
Each type has its own characteristics. You need to rely on them when choosing cosmetics and selecting a set of products. Your skincare products must be perfectly suited to your needs and features, otherwise it's a waste of money.
Fat type
- Pay attention to the water temperature - it should be room temperature, comfortable. As a result, the functioning of the glands is aligned, the appearance improves and the pores are cleaned. Ice water or boiling water provokes the production of additional sebum;
- Give preference to masks based on fruits, vegetables or berries;
- It must be taken into account that the work of the sebaceous glands and the secretion of sebum is directly related to the work of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine glands and metabolism;
- Owners of this skin type should pay special attention to nutrition. Try to eat more fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Avoid harmful foods, try replacing vegetable fats with animal fats.
Proper care for problem dry skin
- The primary task is to balance the work of the sebaceous glands so that sebum production is normalized;
- Regular moisturizing and nutrition - do not let your skin dry out;
- Use night creams or fatty cosmetic oils;
- Choose homemade masks based on eggs, yeast, vegetables or dairy products.
- It is necessary to normalize sebum production. This is done with the help of special cosmetics for the care of oily or combination skin;
- Regularly moisturize and nourish the skin with cream, lotion or masks;
- Cleanse your skin thoroughly and gently.
The best care for problem skin of combination type
If you have severe acne, do not try to create a home care regimen for problem skin on your own. This should be done by a doctor - only a certified dermatologist or cosmetologist can find the root of the problem and select cosmetic and medicinal treatment. Don't risk your beauty and health. In case of serious problems, be sure to consult a doctor, do not self-medicate!
Example of daily routines
- ice wash with a light degreasing agent (foam is best);
- alcohol-free tonic;
- light non-greasy cream.
- primary cleansing of daytime plaque using milk (or lotion) to remove makeup;
- cleansing using a light scrub intended for daily use;
- applying night cream (the choice of night cream should be made taking into account the characteristics of the skin) or serum.
Between cleansing and applying the cream, it is recommended to give the skin a twenty-minute rest, the opportunity to breathe and calm down.
Intermediate day care will help prevent the appearance of oily shine:
- degreasing the skin using special wipes;
- mineral based powder.
Signs of oily facial skin
The main sign of oily skin is a persistent SHINE. Your face starts to shine almost immediately after washing! But that's only half the story. Those with oily skin are forced to fight an entire army of beauty opponents:
- Enlarged pores
- Acne
- Sebaceous cysts
- Comedones (cysts formed due to blockage of the hair follicle with a mixture of dead epithelium and sebum), which include various acne and blackheads
- Seborrhea (inflammation due to excessive oil production by the sebaceous glands)
- Rough texture
- Unhealthy color
all posts by the author So, about the essence of the problem. My skin is normal, closer to oily, prone to rashes, but products for problem skin can dry it out greatly, causing it to peel. Foundations clog pores, I’m allergic to many products, for example I can’t stand Chanel well, and Dior gives me small, small rashes (and I have an obsessive idea that it’s because of the smell). I don’t practice facial cleansing because I consider such an aggressive intervention unacceptable.
Now the condition of the skin has improved, the blackheads have been eliminated, the pores have noticeably narrowed, the skin seems to be stretched, the rashes have become less frequent and weaker, the skin tone is gradually evening out. Switched from foundation to powder.
For starters, proper nutrition. Without saying this, I cannot attribute the entire effect to skin products, so, porridge in the morning, the minimum amount of fatty foods, avoidance of meat products, fruits, nuts and vitamins.
I only write reviews about things that had a positive effect on me.
Now about cleansing the skin.
1. Facial brush owlet beauty accessories
This wonderful thing allows you to cleanse your skin really well and acts like a soft scrub. The first time it caused a not very pleasant sensation, then I got used to it and I feel uncomfortable without it - I don’t feel like my skin is washed. Gives softness. Cleans pores very well. I have a brush made of natural bristles - not the best choice, I don’t have time to dry it and the wood has dried out a little, the tool has taken on an untidy appearance, but I like that it’s natural and I don’t think I’ll replace it with a synthetic one. Cannot be used on long-standing post-acne lesions; they must be avoided during cleansing. I use it with hypoallergenic mass-market face washes like Nivea. Perhaps soon I’ll try something specialized for problem skin, but it cleanses just fine.
rating: 5+
2. St. John's wort facial toner.
This is a folk recipe. I tried many tonics, from Garnier to Yves Saint Laurent, sometimes they are too soft, sometimes too strong, causing flaking, redness, tightness.. In the end I decided to make my own tonic, with medicinal herbs. St. John's wort, 1 pack, pour 1 liter of vodka. Leave for two weeks. Dilute with water 1:1 and put into a bottle in the bathroom. Store undiluted in the refrigerator. Cleans well and heals. Does not tighten the skin. No allergies, of course. It needs to be shaken.
rating: 5
3. Daytime protective gel for problem skin Green Mama “Fly away”
Moisturizes and tightens the skin. Do not use under cosmetics - it will start to shine. This is its main disadvantage. It’s pleasant, but I don’t use it often precisely because of its shine. If you don't wear makeup, it's a great thing. It really does seem to create a protective film on the skin.
rating: 4-
4. Night detoxifying gel-cream Green Mama “Fly away”
Wonderful thing! The effect is similar to a weakly concentrated mask for pulling out blackheads. I apply it every night. Eliminates inflammation. It seems to lighten the skin, but I'm not sure that's what it does. In the morning, not a single pimple pops up. The skin really seems to be dried out from the inside.
rating: 5
5. Green Mama “Aleut” day face cream “Cornflower and vitamin F”
Another great thing from Green Mama. They recommend this cream even for minor burns and dermatitis (although you never know what they advise us..) in general, the cream is very good, and very greasy. Really a winter thing. I think it will be suitable for dry skin to recover from frost. I apply it all over my skin when I feel like I’ve overdone it with cleansing or after long winter walks. Super for local peeling, for example, around the lips. Very heavy like a regular day cream.
rating: 5
6. Face mask “Taiga Formula”, “Plantain and horsetail”
Wonderful, wonderful thing! Very pulling. For the first few minutes it is difficult to endure it, it stings terribly. Tightens pores. Heals. It smells very good, like some kind of herbs. I do it 1-2 times a week.
rating: 5++
7. Gel Badyaga-911 against bruises and contusions.
I decided to buy badyagu - to improve my complexion. And how could it be without this - I made a mistake and bought a gel with the very minimum content of badyagi. That is, it is, one might say, not there at all.
Apply 2 times a day to the entire skin of the face, 5 days, thicker at night. No need to rinse off. The first couple of minutes are very minty. Smoothes the skin, almost instantly heals open small wounds and greatly accelerates the healing of post-acne. Very good thing. Now I apply it locally. I think in combination with bodyaga powder it will be ideal, as it strongly heals and regenerates, I’ll look for badyaga, I’ll try it and report back
rating: 5
Next is some decorative stuff.
8. Vishy Norma Teint foundation
A good product for problem skin. Covers enough, looks natural (for dense coverage). Emphasizes peeling, mattifies, lasts a long time, does not clog pores. No special delights - just a foundation that will not harm mildly problematic skin. But it really helped me, as others aggravated the condition of my face.
approximately 700 rub.
rating: 4
9. Clinique clarifying makeup powder for problem skin
Mattifies for a long time. It is better to use without cream. The coating is smooth, invisible, and quite dense. I use the included sponge, I’m not very happy with the result, I’m thinking about purchasing a brush. The tone suited me exactly the same (I use two), my face becomes fresher, prettier, and a “shine” appears (there is no glitter in the powder at all, and there is no pancake effect either). It hides pores very well, it’s as if they’re not there at all! Slightly noticeable upon close examination (the well-known “dusty peach”), sometimes you need to shade the layer here and there. (although on the Clinic website they generally advise spreading it with your fingers!) It dries out. I’ve been using it for a week, I haven’t noticed any antibacterial effect, but it doesn’t leave my pores behind. It comes off very easily (unlike foundation Vichy) and this makes me extremely happy.
approximately 1000 rub.
rating: 4+
Diet for oily skin
Improper nutrition is a factor due to which even blooming matte skin can deteriorate and become covered with shine and rashes. If the dermis is already oily, then a poor diet will make the problem worse. Whether or not you can eat right to minimize oily skin is a matter entirely of your fortitude. We can only give advice.