Herpes on the wings of the nose is treated quickly. Herpes in the nose: how to treat it to quickly get rid of the problem? Prevention of disease and complications of herpes on the nose or in the nose.

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Herpes in the nose can occur in anyone. There are many varieties of the virus today, so you need to understand what herpes on the nose looks like (photo) and what its manifestations are.

Most often, the disease makes itself felt due to a weakened immune system. In some subjects, herpes does not manifest itself in any way on the nasal mucosa, but the virus is present in the body.

To prevent the progression of herpes, preventive measures are taken.

How to quickly get rid of herpes in the nose? It is necessary to start proper therapy in a timely manner.

Herpes in the nose photo

If nasal herpes is diagnosed, treatment can be carried out using special medications that can effectively combat the virus.

Some patients successfully use traditional medicine. Many patients make their own ointment for herpes in the nose.

Causes of herpes in the nose

Herpes appears on the tip of the nose or inside the mucous membrane after a person becomes infected through airborne droplets. This is a dangerous infection represented by the highly contagious herpes simplex virus.

If someone sneezes or coughs near you, you will most likely become infected too. This can also be obtained through contact and household means.

If you are infected for the first time, the virus will actively multiply immediately after infection. After a few days, blistering rashes will appear on the nasal mucosa or the skin around it.

The way the first herpes outbreak progresses will cause the immune system to produce strong antibodies. Eventually, the herpes will no longer be active. But if the pathogen enters the body again, it will probably remain there for a long time. The virus will remain dormant for some time. However, when the body’s protective functions fail, the relapse will return.

Herpes can appear for the following reasons:

  • respiratory viral diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • excess insolation;
  • stressful conditions and irritants;
  • problems with the protective functions of the immune system due to the use of certain medications.

How the virus is transmitted

By interacting with the biological fluids of an infected person, you can get this virus. It is also not necessary to exclude infection with the virus during the absence of symptoms through skin contact.

Risk factors for infection include:

  • violation of hygiene rules;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • transfer of saliva with an infected person;
  • visiting a public toilet carries the risk of infection;
  • visiting undeveloped countries;

The virus persists for 24 hours in a room at room temperature and normal humidity levels. The virus stays on metal surfaces for about a couple of hours.

Is herpes on the nose contagious to others?

If we look at the statistics, we can see that 95% of people are susceptible to this virus. The most common herpes simplex and type 1 virus. It appears in the form of cold blisters. Herpes in the nose is caused by the same virus, which is characterized by increased contagiousness. During penetration into the human body, there is a risk that the herpes virus will develop.

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Often, such a cold on the nose appears in those who have a weakened immune system. It also appears due to airborne infection. If an infected person sneezes near you, the infection will affect you too. Herpes is also dangerous for others through everyday contact.


Since herpes in the nasal cavity and a cold are difficult to distinguish in the first stages of development, it is necessary to seek medical help to conduct examinations to clarify the etiology of the rash.

Tests that need to be completed quickly on an outpatient basis:

  • general blood analysis;
  • diagnosis of IgM and IgG antibodies to HSV-1 type in blood serum using ELISA;
  • detection of HSV DNA (genetic material) using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method in blood, smears from mucous membranes, and the contents of vesicles.

Characteristic signs of the disease

At the very beginning, this virus affects the internal tissues of the nose, and only then does it appear externally. A characteristic sign of herpes is swelling and pain in the nose. Itching may also occur. If a person was previously susceptible to this disease, then you must be sure that herpes has returned again. As soon as immunity decreases, the virus reappears.

A rash on the lips and a rash on the nose are no different. Small blisters are covered with skin, and as soon as it cracks, a colorless liquid appears from under it. The inflamed area then ulcerates and only then heals.

Often the disease goes away with a runny nose, headache, and an increase in body temperature is also observed due to the fact that a weakened immune system at the same time provokes a cold.

Which doctor treats herpes

Herpes can come in different forms, so different doctors can treat it. This could be a dermatologist, therapist, immunologist, urologist. The virus that causes inflammation in the nose is treated by a therapist. In some cases, when the disease is characterized by frequent relapses, the therapist may refer you to another specialist - an immunologist. Rules:

  • In a person with a strong immune system, the disease goes away within 1-2 weeks and requires symptomatic treatment.
  • If the immune system is weakened, the virus will bother you again and again. If the disease bothers you more than 3 times during the year, then you need to pay attention to the immune system and engage in comprehensive treatment.

Treatment of herpes in the nose

If the immune system is healthy, then herpes in the nose does not require special treatment. In this case, the body will be able to overcome this infection itself and protect against the recurrence of herpes. Please note that when the virus appears, humans are the source of infection. That is why you need to protect yourself from interaction with an infected person.

Rashes in the active phase are treated by treating the blisters with ointment. Use ointments with zinc and tetracycline. It is recommended to carry out additional treatment of abscesses using various oils. If herpes is detected at the very beginning of the disease, then the affected area must be treated using special means.

Use of local drugs

Getting rid of herpes is not an easy task. However, if you are treated correctly, you can quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease. When obvious symptoms occur, you should immediately visit a medical facility.

The doctor will be able to select the appropriate antiviral treatment complex. If you use external remedies, you can reduce the risk of blistering. Doctors recommend using antiviral ointments every few hours. The most popular ointments and gels that will help cope with this disease:

  1. Acyclovir.
  2. Zovirax.
  3. Viru-Merz.
  4. Panavir.
  5. Fenistil.

Preparations for oral administration

If the disease is severe, then treatment with ointments will not help. You will need to be treated with medications in the form of tablets. The following medications are recommended:

  1. Zovirax.
  2. Acyclovir.
  3. Famvir.
  4. Valtrex.
  5. Valaciclovir.

The exact dosage and time of use of the drug will be determined individually by the doctor. It all depends on the condition of the patient. Self-treatment is prohibited. Before you start taking a particular drug, you should visit your doctor in advance.


The external manifestations of the virus can be quickly cured with folk remedies and medications, but some infectious agents, when they first enter the body, reach the spinal cord along the nerve endings. Here, no medicine can reach herpes particles, the immune system is also powerless to cope with them, so the virus, once in the body, remains in it forever. If a person has good immunity, then he can temporarily stop the development of the disease and prevent its frequent relapses.

But in some cases, herpes causes complications in the body. This happens when another bacterial infection joins the virus.

Together they penetrate the lymph and blood, reaching organs and tissues and causing their damage. Then pathologies such as pneumonia, rhinitis, meningitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and Alzheimer's disease develop.

What else to read: Symptoms, causes and treatment of herpes on the eye

If herpes particles are in the body of a person with the immunodeficiency virus, then the defense system cannot fight them off. Infectious agents quickly and easily penetrate other tissues and organs, not only causing disturbances in them, but also contributing to the transition of pathologies into a chronic form. Such complications include damage to the gastrointestinal tract, liver, central nervous system, skin necrosis, and gingivostomatitis.

What to do if herpes has spread to the entire face? Read in this article.

What to do if herpes in the nose does not go away for a long time?

If herpes has tormented a person with constant relapses or prolonged treatment, this indicates a person’s low immunity, unable to fight the virus. If outbreaks of the disease are caused by the presence of HIV in the body, then the virus must be treated with strong antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.

Herpes inside the nose may not go away for a long time due to the exacerbation of other diseases. In this case, the person needs to undergo examination.

Herpes inside the nose may not go away for a long time due to the exacerbation of other diseases. In this case, the person needs to undergo examination at a medical institution and be treated for all pathologies using a complex of immunomodulators, antibiotics and antiviral medications.

Features of the treatment of herpes on the chin. Details in this article.

Features of treatment during pregnancy and children

During pregnancy, a woman's immune system is weakened. This risks awakening a latent viral infection. Primary infection is very dangerous for a child. Relapses are not dangerous. Before planning a pregnancy, girls should get tested. This way you can find out whether there is this infection in the body or not.

If a woman becomes infected at the very beginning of pregnancy, the woman will be prescribed certain medications and vitamins. The fact is that increased viral activity is a threat to pregnancy. It can cause a miscarriage.

If herpes has already appeared, it is recommended to get rid of the itching using external means. Pregnant women need to use products that have as few contraindications as possible. Antiviral drugs are dangerous for the baby. Because of them, adverse consequences may occur.

Even in the womb, a child can be a hidden carrier of the virus. In the future, with the appearance of provoking factors, the virus will make itself felt. Symptoms are similar to those of infected adults.

Children under 11 years of age should not use antiviral drugs as treatment.

If the child’s condition is satisfactory, then you need to:

  • introduce foods with vitamin C into your diet;
  • take 2 capsules of fish oil daily;
  • introduce foods containing calcium into the diet;
  • consume high-calorie foods.

The state of the child’s immune system must be brought back to normal. Then she will be able to defeat this virus herself. However, do not forget that self-medication is strictly not recommended.

Treatment with medications

It is necessary to treat this cold with every exacerbation of the disease. This is especially true in cases where the disease relapsed during pregnancy or herpes reappeared in the child. Of course, it is impossible to completely remove this virus from the human body, but if you treat the symptoms in a short time, you can avoid bacterial complications and also prevent a weakening of the body’s immune system.

If a person has a severe , then during its treatment he must take antiviral drugs. This is how the first episode of herpes is most often treated. Antiviral tablets are used for treatment:

  • acyclovir;
  • Zovirax;
  • geneferon.

Taking antiviral drugs and interferon-based drugs prevents the rapid reproduction of viruses. This leads to the fact that the symptoms of this cold disappear. Along with this, it is necessary to carry out local treatment. This will allow you to quickly get rid of the main symptoms of the disease. It involves lubricating the nasal mucosa from the inside. It is best for local treatment :

  • erazaban ointment;
  • Zovirax ointment;
  • Zovirax patch;
  • Panavir gel.

In order for this cold to be treated in a short time, therapy must be started after the first symptoms appear. You should not try to remove inflammation that appears in the nasal cavity with your hands. This can lead to mucosal injury. In addition, when a person touches the rash, the risk of infection spreading to other parts of the face and body of the sick person increases. During the treatment process, it is prohibited to use towels and hygiene items from other family members. also not recommended to frequently rinse your nose or soak the lesions with plain water.

Folk remedies for treating a viral infection in the nose

Herpes in the nose can be treated not only with medication. Traditional medicine will be an excellent help. Many of the remedies were used by our ancestors. The products still show their effectiveness today.

We bring to your attention the following traditional medicine:

  1. Propolis infusion. This product is absolutely easy to prepare at home. It can also be found at any pharmacy. Before using this product, it must be diluted in a 1:1 ratio with drinking water. Propolis allows you to thoroughly rinse your nasal passages.
  2. Ointment with calendula. Since ancient times, a plant such as calendula has been valued and has always been used in medicine. But it’s true that this plant is famous for its amazing anti-inflammatory properties. You will need to use a dried plant. It needs to be crushed until it becomes powdery. Afterwards, a teaspoon of the resulting powder should be mixed with Vaseline. Next, the product should infuse. It must be left in a dark and cool place. It is then used to treat the affected area of ​​the nose. If treatment is timely, then in a short time there will be no trace of the symptoms.
  3. Fir oil. To get rid of unpleasant and painful sensations, we recommend using fir oil. It also gives an excellent antiseptic effect. You just need to treat the inflamed areas in the nose with oil. Treatment should be carried out no more than five times daily. You can find such a remedy in almost any pharmacy.
  4. Aloe extract. Aloe has always been used in medicine. This plant is one of the best helpers for treating herpes. It is famous for its antiseptic and soothing properties. To begin treatment you will need to use a fresh leaf. It must be cleared of skin and thorns in advance. Then the leaf needs to be crushed. Afterwards the juice itself is squeezed out, with the help of which all the treatment is carried out. They need to lubricate the nasal mucosa. This should be done three times a day. With regular use of this plant, further spread of the virus will stop.

Important! Often traditional medicine methods are not used as the main treatment. Only as an additional treatment.

What to do if herpes does not go away?

Often, herpes does not bring any dangerous consequences. The danger associated with nasal herpes is also the risk of transferring the virus from the nose to other areas of the skin. With your finger, for example, or using a handkerchief. So the virus can affect the eyes, lips and other organs, leading to serious consequences.

If you adhere to all standard hygiene rules during an exacerbation of this disease, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of complications.

However, if this disease appears several times a year, then you will need to approach this problem as seriously as possible. Individual complex immunotherapy will be required, which is aimed at improving the human immune system. Of course, a complete cure for recurrent herpes is completely impossible. In special cases, it is recommended to resort to vaccination.

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