How to Make an Amazing Face Scrub Using Salt and Shaving Foam

Every beauty dreams of getting rid of blackheads. There are many different recipes on the Internet on how to get rid of this defect, including cleansing your face using regular shaving gel with the addition of other components. But is this facial cleansing effective or can it harm your skin?

Information that cleansing the face with baking soda and salt helps get rid of blackheads appeared relatively recently. But many people are interested in whether it is effective or not. This is what modern experts and those who have tried a mask with shaving foam and soda in the fight for a clean face write about it.

Effect on facial skin

Scrubs and masks are created based on men's shaving foam. The effect of these procedures is enhanced by the soda introduced into their composition. What effect does the use of such scrubs and masks have on the skin:

  • Bacteria and microorganisms that cause suppuration die.
  • The skin of the face dries out, and enlarged pores narrow. An excellent cleansing effect is created, while the plugs located in the space between the cells are removed.
  • The skin calms down and acquires a matte tint, and the secretion of the glands decreases.
  • Prevents skin irritation.

Shaving foams and gels used by men include components that have a beneficial effect on delicate women’s skin:

  • Chamomile extract, aloe vera. These components have an antimicrobial and soothing effect. The main thing is the presence of a natural component and not a synthetic substitute.
  • Sodium benzonate. A preservative that dries out the skin greatly, but in our case this is a positive thing.
  • Mineral oils. These components have a softening effect, prevent blockage of ducts, destroy fats, i.e. They don’t give blackheads a chance to spoil the mood of their fair half.

How does baking soda affect the skin?

  • Upon contact with the skin, baking soda immediately penetrates through its top layer, enters the pores and “cleans out” impurities. The effect is immediate, which is quite rare when using homemade cosmetics.
  • Sodium carbonate is not only an excellent antiseptic, but it can also be considered relatively regenerative, due to the fact that the skin quickly forms new cells for protection.

The complex combination of shaving foam and soda has a strong effect. But you should know that such a mixture turns out to be “explosive”, which is why special attention must be paid to the recipe and adhere to the rules of use.

How long to keep?

The previously described recipes indicate the approximate time for keeping the product on the face. However, there are small exceptions.

  • If there is serious damage to the facial skin or the epidermis itself is very sensitive and dry, then the recommended exposure time should be halved. If the effect was not obtained, then with each subsequent use you can increase the time of exposure of the mixture to the skin (by one or two minutes).
  • If the skin on the face is loose, oily and too porous, with a large number of blackheads, then the exposure time of scrubs and masks should be increased by 5 (or even 10) minutes.
  • In cases where the mask does not cause any side effects, and the desired result was not obtained (after its single use), it is still not recommended to increase the exposure time. It is better to repeat the procedure in a few days.
  • An important role in the effectiveness of using foam and scrub is played not only by the choice of the most suitable recipe and the time of exposure of the resulting mixture to the skin, but also by the frequency of performing such a cleansing wash.

Who is suitable for an unusual facial cleansing?

This method of getting rid of blackheads on the face is suitable only for those representatives of the fair half who are not prone to skin irritation. Girls and women with oily skin are recommended to treat only the T-zone and those areas where there are many rashes. Since this procedure is quite harsh, you need to listen very carefully to the sensations during cleaning. If a burning sensation begins, you should wash your face well and then apply a soothing cream to your face.

Indications and contraindications

These products have many positive qualities, but such washing may not always be used by everyone. If we talk about contraindications, there are not so many of them, but they are best taken into account:

  • Serious open lesions on the skin of the face. When baking soda gets into wounds, it can cause severe pain or burning. Until the wounds heal, it is not recommended to try this remedy on yourself.
  • If you have pustules on your face, it is also better to avoid using mixtures made from foam and soda. If absolutely necessary, you can use only shaving gel - without any additives.

There are many indications for regularly performing such cleansing washes:

  • an abundance of blackheads on the face;
  • loose skin;
  • excessive sebum production;
  • gray color of the epidermis;
  • enlarged pores;
  • frequent appearance of acne;
  • feeling of insufficient cleanliness of the skin.


We offer several recipes for masks and scrubs based on baking soda and shaving foam. It’s worth saying right away that there are not so many such recipes, but they are all quite effective. Choose the one that suits you best.


  • The most gentle recipe for the skin. This is the easiest way to use shaving foam to cleanse the skin of blackheads. Since foam softens and cleanses even without additional components, it can simply be used in its pure form. Apply any foam to the T-zone of the face in a thick layer for a quarter of an hour, then carefully remove with warm water. Blackheads will noticeably decrease, and your face will look fresh.
  • Take some shaving foam, add half a teaspoon of baking soda and mix everything quickly. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas for 10 minutes.
  • Mix 2 large spoons of foam and one small spoon each of soda and salt of the finest fraction. Apply to the skin of the face for 10 minutes without using massaging movements.
  • To one egg white, add approximately the same amount of shaving foam and a small spoon of soda and mix everything thoroughly. Massage the resulting mixture onto the skin of the face for 10 - 15 minutes.
  • Mix a little shaving foam with a small spoon of hydrogen peroxide and half a teaspoon of soda. Apply to the problem area of ​​the face for no more than a quarter of an hour.


Mix soda and lemon juice, taken one teaspoon at a time, and wait until the soda has completely dissipated. Add a little water if the mixture is too thick. Apply the mixture to problem areas and massage for 2 to 3 minutes. After this, remove the residue with a damp cloth and apply shaving foam to your face, leave for 5 minutes, and rinse.

Why do you need peeling?

High-quality, deep facial cleansing, carried out at home, will help avoid the development of acne and rashes on the skin. Their manifestation is facilitated by the presence of various contaminants and increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

Dealing with the cause of the pollution is quite problematic, but it is quite possible to influence the greasiness. It is important to remember that the level of functioning of the sebaceous glands directly depends on lifestyle.

If all organs and systems of the body work harmoniously, the skin is able to cleanse itself. The impurities are located deep, so masks and gentle creams cannot cope with them. In such cases, deep cleaning is carried out several times a month, but it all depends on the type of epidermis.


  • cleanse the skin of cosmetics, dust, and dirt;
  • use only sterile equipment;
  • To avoid infection, before peeling you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • if there are inflammations, wounds, or skin pathologies on the skin, then peeling is strictly prohibited;
  • use a soothing cream after cleansing.

Open comedones or blackheads are ports clogged with dust and sebum. You can eliminate the effect of a black rash yourself at home, using the appropriate means at hand, observing strict proportions.

Expert opinion

We recommend!

Baking soda is recognized as the most effective, the main enemy of grease, which is useful not only for cleaning the stove, but also for removing dirt from the skin. When using sodium bicarbonate for cosmetic purposes, care must be taken not to worsen the situation or cause harm.

Prolonged exposure to the substance is fraught with irritation and redness. To prevent an undesirable effect, you should not use NaHCO3 in its pure form, it is advisable to combine it with neutral agents.

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How to make and why to use shampoo with soda

Ordinary shaving foam will be a chic base for a valuable mask. It has an ideal consistency, moisturizing effect, and antiseptic properties.

Features of application

There are some nuances to using masks and scrubs that contain soda and shaving foam:

Using a special brush

  • Shaving foam or gel must be of good quality.
  • The mask or scrub should be applied to cleansed skin with clean hands. If you use a massage brush, it must be perfectly clean so as not to cause infection.
  • The prepared composition is applied exclusively to the forehead, chin and nose. If it gets on the cheekbones and cheeks, it may cause irritation.
  • To avoid skin burns and not strictly monitor the time, you can add oatmeal, organic oil, full-fat cottage cheese or facial moisturizer to the composition. It should be remembered that if you independently extend the time recommended for a mask or scrub, burns appear that resemble sunburn in appearance.
  • It is recommended to wash off the mask and scrub with warm water, which will clean the applied mass from open pores. After this, you need to wash your face with cold water, which will close the pores. There is no need to steam your face before applying a mask or scrub. It is recommended to moisturize the skin with warm water.
  • At the end of the procedure, be sure to use a moisturizer.
  • If your skin is dry or combination type, then it is better to use gel instead of shaving foam.
  • If itching, burning or other unpleasant sensations appear while massaging the skin with the prepared composition, it is recommended to immediately wash well and apply moisturizer to your face.
  • If the skin is oily, then such procedures can be performed every two days. If the skin is dry, then it is enough to clean it once every 7 days.
  • After using masks and scrubs, it is advisable not to go outside, as microscopic abrasions remain on the skin, so bright sun or frost can harm the skin.

Preparatory stage of the skin cleansing procedure

In order for facial cleansing to remove blemishes such as blackheads and rashes to be effective, it is undoubtedly necessary to prepare the skin for this procedure. To do this, you will need to wash your face with water using any cleansing product, and also take a steam bath according to the following recipe:

  • — 2 liters of water;
  • - 50 grams of dried chamomile or celandine flowers.

You need to add the herbal ingredients you have chosen to a container of water and, putting it on the fire, bring the composition to a boil. Then you should steam your facial skin over the vapors of the mixture, covering your head with a towel, for 15-20 minutes. After the expiration of the prescribed period, the face must be washed with warm water. This way you will prepare your skin for the cleansing procedure using shaving foam. This article offers 3 recipes, the main ingredient of which is this product. From the proposed methods, everyone can choose the ideal one for themselves, taking into account their own skin type.

Facial cleansing for oily skin

Those with oily skin type are most familiar with such shortcomings as oily shine, blackheads and acne. A mask according to the following recipe will help you win the fight against them:

  • - 3 tablespoons of shaving foam;
  • - 3 teaspoons of salt;
  • - 3 teaspoons of soda.

All components must be mixed into a homogeneous mixture, applied to the face and left to act for 15 minutes. At the end of the prescribed period, you need to take a facial brush or a medium-hard sponge and massage the skin, paying special attention to problem areas. At the end of the procedure, the mask is removed with water. Now you can appreciate how much cleaner your skin has become, how the number of blackheads has decreased and the pores have narrowed!

Facial cleansing for normal skin

Normal skin is a true gift of nature for every girl. Its owners are least familiar with the problems of clogged pores and inflammation, however, to maintain its ideal condition, it is also necessary to carry out regular deep cleansing procedures. We present to your attention a recipe for a cleansing mixture for normal skin types:

  • - 3 tablespoons of shaving foam;
  • - 3 tablespoons of soda.

The resulting mask must be applied to the skin and left for 15 minutes, after which a gentle massage is done with your fingers, paying special attention to the areas of the nose, chin and forehead. At the end of the procedure, your face should be rinsed with water and a moisturizer should be applied. You will be surprised how smooth, matte and radiant your skin has become!

Facial cleansing for dry and sensitive skin

This type of skin requires special care, since various facial cleanses can injure it and cause irritation. The recipe proposed in this article is very delicate, but at the same time it will cleanse the epidermis of existing imperfections and make it healthier.

In order to carry out this delicate cleansing, you need to take a small amount of shaving foam, apply it to the forehead, nose and chin and leave for 15 minutes. At the end of the allotted time, the composition must be washed off the skin with water, and the face should be wiped with a soothing tonic and moisturizer should be applied. After using this procedure, every owner of sensitive and dry skin will be able to note that the existing blackheads have disappeared, and the enlarged pores have narrowed.

When you should not use soda-foam compositions

There are not so many recipes for getting rid of blackheads on the face using baking soda and shaving cream, but there are enough precautions and recommendations:

  1. If you have superficial acne, using soda scrubs is not recommended.
  2. If there are pustular lesions, then it is better to stop using soda-foam products until the inflammatory process disappears.
  3. To prevent inflammation on the face after procedures, cleansed skin should be wiped with chamomile infusion.
  4. If your skin is sensitive and delicate, then such procedures are not for you.

Create a scrub from foam and soda

You can make a scrub from shaving foam that will help get rid of acne and blackheads.

For easy cleaning

If you don't have a lot of acne on your skin, you can do a light facial cleansing with shaving foam and baking soda. To do this, you need to prepare a cleansing scrub:

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of foam;
  • 3 teaspoons of soda.

Add ingredients and mix until smooth.
The mask of shaving foam and baking soda is ready. Did you know? Soda appeared in Russia thanks to Peter I. It was used to produce white glass.

For deep cleaning

If your skin has a large number of clogged pores , then you can try a more extreme method - a facial scrub made from shaving foam, baking soda and salt:

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of foam;
  • 3 teaspoons of soda;
  • 3 teaspoons salt.

It is recommended to use extra salt. Mix all ingredients well; a scrub made from shaving foam, salt and soda can be used.

Why does baking soda work so well?

Baking soda (NaHCO3) is a mixture of sodium bicarbonate (an acid salt of carbonic acid and sodium).

The constituent components have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face.

Sodium stimulates the improvement of intercellular metabolic processes, as a result of which their regeneration accelerates and intercellular metabolism increases. restores the normal level of facial skin acidity (pH).

Charcoal, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, absorbs dirt, excess sebum, and harmful compounds, thereby intensively cleansing the pores. Promotes the healing of small cracks and abrasions on the face.

Cleaning your face with soda has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and disinfectant properties. Thus, it dries out pimples and promotes the healing of microcracks.

Cleansing your face at home with baking soda helps: cleanse the pores of blackheads, acne, foundation residues, powder, and remove the layer of dead skin cells.

Composition and method of action

There may be other components in the composition, but they are more for solidity

To make it clear why this product, intended and developed exclusively for men, has a beneficial effect on women’s skin and in order to remove unnecessary and completely unfounded fears, it’s worth starting with the ingredients. Firstly, men's skin also does not tolerate all kinds of artificial chemical compounds well, and therefore the developers tried to cram only natural ingredients into the shaving foam. Secondly, there is not and cannot be any particular difference in these components for men and women.

It’s worth starting with threatening names that are actually no more harmful than ordinary salt.

  • Sodium benzoate. In fact, it is a food additive that can be found in the most common foods. In our case, it is used as a preservative that dries the skin very well.
  • propylene glycol. The opposite of the first substance is a humectant. In the right proportion they give a simply amazing effect.
  • extract of aloe, chamomile, eucalyptus and other medicinal plants. They have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. It is worth paying attention that in shaving foam this component is not replaced with its synthetic analogue.
  • mineral oils of various types. It is this component that has the most beneficial effect. Destroys fats, softens and cleans ducts. Under its influence, the skin gets rid of the notorious blackheads.

How often to repeat the procedure?

A mixture of baking soda and foam or shaving gel has only beneficial properties, but you should not abuse this product. This is due both to a rather strong drying effect and to the fact that the pores may tighten too much, resulting in severe discomfort to the face (for example, peeling may occur).

Optimal options: using these products together twice a week for oily and combination skin, once a week for dry and sensitive skin.

Particular attention should be paid to the following: if cleaning and washing with these products is happening for the first time, then you can repeat the procedure again after just one day, and then it is recommended to follow the advice.

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