Neurodermatitis and diathesis are stages of atopic dermatitis, a chronic skin disease of neuro-allergic origin. IN
Types of urticaria The type of urticaria depends on external factors and the way the allergen affects the body.
The top layer of skin - the epidermis - consists of several rows of cells. In the bottom -
Causes and symptoms of the appearance of wen on the chest A formation in the chest area does not represent
Inguinal dermatitis is a disease of inflammatory nature that develops as a result of exposure to external or internal
What is atheroma As a result of blockage of the external opening of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland, difficulties begin
What is diathesis Every experienced and young parent with small children faces diathesis.
What is ringworm in cats and what does it look like? This disease is collective
Causes of lipomas A lipoma can appear in absolutely any part of the body where there is fatty tissue.
Causes of fungal dermatitis It has been clinically proven that yeast-like fungi are one of the components of the natural microflora