Wen on the leg - what causes it and treatment

Causes of lipomas

Wen is a benign formation consisting of fat and occurs in the lower layer of the skin. What does such a tumor look like? Most often, a lipoma looks like a round or oval lump on the body. Does not cause pain or other unpleasant sensations.

In most cases, the formation is single, sometimes there are several wen located nearby. This phenomenon is called lipomatosis.

Why do such tumors appear? The main reason is considered to be a violation of metabolic processes in the body. Various factors can provoke the condition.


  1. Weak immunity,
  2. Genetic predisposition,
  3. Poor nutrition
  4. Excess body weight
  5. Bad habits,
  6. Sedentary lifestyle,
  7. Harmful working and living conditions,
  8. Disruption of the endocrine system,
  9. Hormonal imbalances
  10. Diabetes,
  11. Lack of vitamins
  12. Injuries, damage, tissue compression.

The formation of lipomas on the foot and toes can be caused by wearing uncomfortable or poor-quality shoes. On the leg above the knee, tumors most often arise as a result of injuries and bruises. Thus, the reason why a wen appears on the leg can be various phenomena.

More growths on:

  • ear
  • century
  • leg
  • head
  • on the back
  • under the eyes
  • on the neck

What is this - wen?

The name “wen” is a popular one; in medical reference books such a formation is called “lipoma”.
In both cases, the name reflects the very essence, only in different languages: this is the accumulation of subcutaneous fat in the lower layer of the skin. At its core, a lipoma on the leg, as well as on any part of the body under the skin, is a benign neoplasm. It can form where there is even the smallest layer of subcutaneous fat, which means on almost the entire body. There are wen that penetrate between the vessels and muscles, growing to the periosteum.

As a rule, they appear singly, but there are cases of multiple appearance of lipomas, in these cases we are talking about the disease lipomatosis. Formations such as wen on the legs under the skin are loose in structure, divided into parts. Experts dealing with the problem of lipomas recommend removing them as early as possible, without waiting for them to grow. If we leave aside aesthetics, we can state that lipomas do not even allow a person to move normally. Where can we talk about a beautiful gait!

Lipoma symptoms

What does a wen look like on a leg? This, in the initial stage, is a small elevation above the surface of the skin, having an oval or round outline. Individual lobules of the wen can be easily felt under the skin, are soft to the touch and do not cause any pain. It seems as if it moves easily in any direction. It does not itch and does not cause any physical discomfort.

The color of the skin practically does not change, only sometimes it may have a yellowish tint. But over time, the lipoma increases significantly in size, taking on ugly shapes under the skin.

Are lipomas so harmless?

The obvious nuisance that a wen brings is more of a cosmetic defect, since lipomas very rarely degenerate into malignant tumors. This happens only when they grow into muscle tissue and significantly increase in size. The main method of diagnosis is examination by a dermatologist.

Why education is dangerous

What danger can lipomas on the leg pose? Such formations are benign and very rarely degenerate into a malignant form. However, a lipoma on the leg can cause a person some trouble.

If left untreated, the tumor may grow to large sizes. When it penetrates muscle tissue, malignancy is possible.

If a wen on the leg touches the nerve endings, then the person experiences painful sensations. This leads to the patient having problems with mobility.

The tumor between the leg and groin must be removed due to the location of the lymph nodes in this area. A lipoma located on the buttocks can cause pain and interfere with sitting and walking normally.

A fatty tissue that appears under the knee must be removed as soon as possible, since as the size of the tumor increases, the tendons of the leg may be damaged.

The danger is posed by tumor injury. If an infection gets into the wound, an inflammatory and purulent process may develop, which can lead to the destruction of surrounding tissues.

Symptoms of wen on the legs

When a fatty tumor appears on the leg, it is important to differentiate the formation from inflamed lymph nodes and other similar pathologies:

The seal is usually located under the upper layer of the epidermis, has a round shape and a soft consistency;

When pressing from above, no pain is felt;

When pressed to the side, the fatty tumor moves and returns to its previous position; it is not fused to the skin;

Itching, burning and hyperemia of the skin are not detected, body temperature and swelling are normal;

The skin above the surface of the wen can be gathered into a fold.

Since the skin of the lower extremities is quite dense, the contents of the wen are not visible through it, the tumor has the color of the surrounding tissues, and the hair above it is preserved.

Signs and diagnosis

How does a wen appear? Lipoma on the leg is characterized by symptoms common to all similar tumors.


  • The formation rises above the skin, looks like a lump,
  • There are no painful sensations,
  • May mix when pressed
  • There are no signs of inflammation on the skin, no itching or redness,
  • The skin in the area of ​​the wen is at normal temperature.

Fatty tissues are subject to gradual growth, which can lead to unpleasant sensations. Pain is a sign of a pathological change in the wen. What causes wen pain on the leg?


  1. Penetration into the muscle tissue of the leg,
  2. Blood vessels are compressed,
  3. Nerve endings are compressed
  4. Perhaps the wen is degenerating into a malignant formation.

It is worth noting that if pain occurs in a lipoma on the leg, you must contact a medical facility. The first thing that is done at the hospital is an examination. Diagnostics includes an external examination of the patient, a conversation with him, and blood and urine tests. If necessary, various instrumental techniques are used.


  • Ultrasonography,
  • X-ray,
  • Use of contrast in x-rays
  • Biopsy,
  • CT scan.

Based on the test results, a diagnosis is made and the most appropriate treatment is selected.

Which doctor should I contact?

Lipoma of the perianal area requires a visit to a coloproctologist with special knowledge in the treatment of diseases of the rectum and anal area. If a child has a wen, a preliminary examination by a pediatrician will be required.

Early diagnosis of formations in the buttocks area is especially important due to the fact that more than 80% of them are located in close proximity to the anus. Malignant formations are often localized in this same zone, occurring in particularly severe forms and difficult to treat.

During the first examination, the specialist will collect anamnesis and conduct a rectal examination. If the development of a malignant tumor is suspected, the patient will be referred for consultation to an oncologist. Depending on the location of the lipoma, a woman may undergo a cytology smear.

Analysis of smears allows, as the pathological process progresses, to clarify the morphological structure of the cellular composition of the wen. A number of studies are also carried out in order to exclude inflammation of the lymph node in the area, since the buttock area is densely penetrated by a network of lymphatic vessels.

Treatment with drugs and folk remedies

How to remove an unpleasant formation? Removing a wen on the leg at home includes the use of medications and folk remedies.


Drug treatment is used for small formations. To do this, you can use various ointments and solutions.

List of drugs:

  • Vishnevsky ointment and Ichthyol ointment are excellent products that have a resolving effect. The product is applied to the wen, covered with film and a warm cloth on top. Secure the compress with a bandage. Repeat the procedure until complete recovery.
  • A special agent is injected into the lipoma to help the contents dissolve. The procedure is carried out in a medical institution using a special syringe. It is necessary to maintain sterility so as not to introduce infection into the wound.

Using medications to treat a disease on the leg does not always help. However, the methods are not prohibited for use by specialists.


Removing a wen on the leg using traditional recipes is possible in the presence of a small tumor. There are many tools, you can choose the most suitable one.


  1. Cut the aloe leaf into two parts and apply the inside side to the wen and secure. Change the compress in the morning and evening.
  2. An infusion of celandine is used for compresses. The plant needs to be finely chopped, pour half a liter of vodka. Leave in the refrigerator for a week. The product should be applied up to ten times a day for three weeks.
  3. The onion is baked in the oven, softened and mixed with grated laundry soap. The prepared mixture is applied to the lipoma twice a day, securing with a bandage.
  4. Mix equal amounts of salt, sour cream and honey. Steam the skin, spread the mixture, leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse. Repeat until cure.

Before treating a wen, you should consult a specialist. During therapy, the skin reaction should be monitored to avoid irritation.

Removal by alternative methods

How to get rid of a tumor on the leg if it is large and cannot be treated using home remedies? In these cases, removal of the wen using surgical interventions is used. There are different methods for this.


  • Surgical excision. It is carried out using a scalpel. Under local anesthesia, an incision is made in the skin through which the contents of the wen are removed. The wound is stitched up. There are practically no relapses. But traces may remain after the healing process.
  • Laser removal. Used for small growths. After the operation, there are practically no traces left, and there are no relapses.
  • The radio wave method is similar to laser removal. The operation is performed using a special knife with radio waves.
  • A lump on the leg can be removed using cryodestruction - exposure to low temperatures. However, this method is sometimes painful, and marks may appear on the skin after the procedure.

The choice of technique for removing a wen depends on the patient’s condition, his tests, and tolerability of the procedure.

Self-medication can lead to unpleasant consequences. In most cases, people try to pierce the growth and squeeze it out. As a result, infection may enter the wound, which can lead to blood poisoning and inflammatory processes. It is better to go to a medical facility.

Localization of fatty tumors on the legs

As already mentioned, lipoma occurs where there is a fat layer. On the legs, especially in women, such subcutaneous formations are not at all uncommon. Many suffer from these growing bumps under the skin without even knowing the reasons for their appearance. For example, a wen on the knee usually occurs due to the growth of subcutaneous adipose tissue. Especially if there was even a minor injury in this place before: a regular bruise, hematoma or the like.

Special cases of lipomas

There are also severe cases in which medical help cannot be avoided. For example, a lipoma that has grown on the thigh cannot be treated conservatively because it lies deep in the tissues, severely impinging on the muscle fibers. With this disease, it is difficult for a person to walk, because the wen can reach 5 or more centimeters in diameter. This cannot be done without surgical intervention.

Lipomas often create a lot of problems if they appear in completely inconvenient places; a wen formed on the buttock, in the striated muscles, causes such a heavy feeling as anticipation. Yes, waiting, because this lipoma takes an extremely long time to mature, causing a person very painful sensations even from ordinary sitting on a chair. And the help of a surgeon in this case will be simply necessary. Shoes of the wrong size or model or mechanical damage cause a wen to form on the foot in the heel area. This is also facilitated by excessive fat accumulation and various dermatological diseases. With this development of events, surgical intervention is simply necessary, since the lipoma progresses very quickly from the constant load on the heel.

If a tumor appears under the knee, this kind of wen also needs to be removed as soon as possible. The fact is that there is a threat of destruction of the tissues surrounding the lipoma, in particular the tendons. In general, in cases of frequent appearance of wen on the legs, it is recommended to undergo an examination. After all, it has been established that the frequency of occurrence of such formations is proportional to the increase in blood sugar levels, and this in itself is a very alarming signal.


To avoid the appearance of wen on the body, you need to pay attention to your health and treat all diseases in a timely manner. It is worth reviewing your diet and giving up too fatty foods and spending more time outdoors.

Bad habits adversely affect the condition of the entire body, so it is better to part with them. Personal hygiene also plays a significant role.

Wen on the leg is an unpleasant phenomenon. Quite often, such an education can cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. You should not engage in self-treatment; you need to consult a doctor in time to select the appropriate treatment.


Among the varieties of lipoma, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Subcutaneous. The most common and safest. Formed from subcutaneous fat. Doesn't cause much discomfort. Easy to operate.
  • Muscular. Develops from muscle fibers. This tumor is quite dangerous due to damage to muscle tissue. There may be pain when moving. It is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible to prevent development deep into the tissues.
  • Hibernoma. It is formed from the remains of brown fat. Another name is fetal fat lipoma. It develops very slowly and does not show any deviations in the first stages. In the future, some discomfort and pain may occur.

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The link https://stoprak.info/vidy/mochevydelitelnaya-sistema/puzyr/opuxol-u-muzhchin.html describes what a malignant bladder tumor looks like in men.

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