Sage in cosmetology properties for the face. Benefits of sage for skin

Sage is an effective remedy for clean and healthy facial skin. It would seem that what could be simpler and more effective than means whose effectiveness has been tested for centuries?
Hippocrates also called sage a “sacred herb,” probably referring to its amazing healing properties. Even the name of the sage plant itself is interpreted from ancient Greek as “sun and health.”

Sage is a unique keeper of many useful, and often necessary, especially for the female body, substances. Sage decoction is recommended for maintaining health and beauty for women after 30-35 years of age.

But besides this, in the modern world the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antiseptic and astringent properties of this plant are very valuable. They allow the widespread use of sage for the face in cosmetology and dermatology practice.

Medicinal sage preparations are available at the pharmacy, but using sage on your face at home to ensure clear and healthy skin is easy. This is exactly what we will talk about in today’s article Beauty Pantry.

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Sage: composition + beneficial properties

First of all, I note: the chemical composition of this plant largely corresponds to the natural biology of a woman’s body. Therefore, it can be used for both medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Moreover, health and beauty are closely interconnected.

Even the most common decoction of sage leaves has a strong healing effect on the body. Sage contains:

  • beneficial essential oils,
  • tannins,
  • saturated acids,
  • magnesium and calcium compounds and others,
  • vitamins C, P, B (folic acid),
  • tannins and other substances necessary for the body.

The main value of sage is that it contains natural analogues of estrogen (a hormone responsible for women's health). Therefore, sage is an excellent assistant in solving many issues that the fair sex has to face.

Medicines based on sage have long been used even in the treatment of infertility. In addition, it is a strong aphrodisiac.

However, sage is useful not only for women. It is difficult to name a field of medicine in which this plant would not be used. It has almost universal properties. This determines the breadth of its use in the fight against many diseases, including tuberculosis and even atherosclerosis.

Based on sage, medications have been developed that are prescribed in cases of diabetes, oral cavity, colds, and digestive disorders. With the help of sage concentrate, diseases of the joints and bones are treated. It effectively suppresses streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.

Sage essential oil heals wounds and skin lesions no worse than Vishnevsky ointment. He can even cure peptic ulcers and serious burns.

The extract of this plant is included in most remedies for baldness. In addition, sage relieves toothache and treats bleeding gums (in combination with oak bark).

In short, this unpretentious plant is one of the most valuable gifts of nature.

Indications, possible contraindications

With the right selection of sage-based recipes, it is possible to solve a variety of problems.

  • the appearance of blackheads and acne on the skin;
  • excessive greasiness;
  • enlarged pores;
  • pigmentation;
  • dullness;
  • flabbiness;
  • dehydration, peeling;
  • noticeable wrinkles;
  • inflammatory foci.

The main contraindications include the possibility of an allergic reaction to the plant. Harm to the skin is possible if the recommended proportions or duration of cosmetic sessions are not observed. Therefore, the recommendations reflected in the recipes are carefully studied.

Medicinal value of the plant

Sage is characterized by high antibacterial activity. This is explained by the presence of the natural antibiotic salvin in its chemical composition. By the way, the second name for sage is salvia, from the Latin Salvia.

In general, sage, as well as drugs and products with it, have the following effects on the body:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • 5 face masks with a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect

  • disinfectant,
  • astringent (including tightening),
  • tonic,
  • soothing,
  • hemostatic,
  • painkiller,
  • restorative.
No.Areas of application
№2.Cosmetology (rejuvenating and restorative skin and hair care)
№3.Perfumes (including the most prestigious brands)
№5.Fumigation and disinfection of premises (for air disinfection, as well as in meditative practices)

A little history

From Latin the name of the plant is translated as “good health”, “salvation”. In Ancient Egypt, sage infusion was given to women to drink, believing that it promoted the origin of life.

In ancient Rome it was used for medicinal purposes, to heal wounds, and restore strength. It was considered a sacred plant, so before collecting leaves and shoots it was necessary to carry out rituals of sacrifice and ablution; a white tunic was a mandatory attribute.

Gallic druids used it to communicate with the world of the dead; they believed that the souls of children came from the other world.

Sage was often used by beauties of the Mediterranean, they prepared decoctions, and infused olive oil. The natural remedy helped to cleanse the skin and hair, add shine, and get rid of age spots. Thanks to homemade recipes, women were able to maintain their youthful, blooming appearance for as long as possible. Each tried to plant shrubs in the garden in order to regularly use the gifts of nature to care for the face and body.

Sage for the face: cosmetic value

Perhaps the benefits of sage for the face cannot be overestimated. Sage cleansing and rejuvenating masks, tonics, lotions, baths, compresses, aromatherapy sessions, tonic teas, infusions and decoctions, cosmetic ice - this is not a complete list of the possibilities for using this wonderful plant.

Starting from the age of thirty, preparations containing sage are mandatory in skin care. But even if you are still far from reaching this age mark, this natural biostimulant can become a reliable assistant in maintaining health and beauty.

With the help of this plant you can get rid of acne, acne, inflammation and enlarged pores. It is important to keep in mind: in these cases, sage is good to combine with tea tree oil.

Daily washing with sage decoction significantly heals and refreshes your facial skin.

Please note: the ideal combination of anti-aging and anti-inflammatory components in the chemical composition of sage is very useful for those with problematic skin prone to inflammation.

Cleansing and restorative masks that combine sage with other beneficial ingredients are very useful. By the way, this plant combines perfectly with cosmetic clay and healing essential oils - jojoba, shea butter, orange, lavender, tea tree and others.

Sage essential oil can be used to enrich finished creams, serums, gels, emulsions and shampoos. But it is worth considering that due to its high concentration, it must be diluted with a base oil - for example, coconut or cocoa butter.

Mechanism of action

Thanks to so many useful components, sage can be used for the following effects:

Sage leaves

  1. Anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antibacterial . Under the influence of the medicinal plant, redness and pain from acne and acne are reduced.
  2. Astringent, drying . Skin prone to shine and increased sebum production becomes more matte, reducing the risk of inflammatory phenomena.
  3. Lifting . The oval of the face becomes clearer.
  4. Rejuvenating . Under the influence of sage, the production of collagen, a component responsible for tissue elasticity, is accelerated in skin cells. As a result, fine wrinkles are completely smoothed out, and deep ones become less pronounced.
  5. Cleansing . This medicinal plant is often included in scrubs. This is explained by its ability to remove impurities from the deep layers of the skin. Using sage, you can remove toxins, remove dead skin cells and get rid of blackheads.
  6. Improves blood microcirculation . Restoring microcirculation normalizes tissue nutrition, therefore reducing skin dryness and improving its color.
  7. Protective . In the summer, cosmetic products with sage protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Preparing lotions and masks at home allows you to use the entire supply of beneficial components of the plant, but you should take into account the presence of essential oils in the composition. They give the plant a pronounced spicy odor, which affects the human body as follows:

  • calms the nervous system;
  • eliminates headaches;
  • improves sleep, makes it sound and deep;
  • improves mood;
  • activates thought processes and improves memory;
  • acts as an antidepressant (improves mood).

However, there are also several negative aspects. Some people may experience:

  • headache;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • lethargy;
  • skin rash (in rare cases in the presence of individual intolerance).

Purposes and uses of sage

In cosmetology, the possibilities of sage are very wide. This plant is used for the following purposes:

Skin health: eliminating teenage acne and scars, as well as combating unwanted pigmentation.
Reduces and cleanses pores, removes toxins.
Caring for the skin around the eyes.
Normalization of the sebaceous glands, restoration of water-lipid balance, evening out tone.
Smoothing wrinkles and slowing down the aging process.

I bring to your attention several proven recipes:

  • You can give a fresh look to dry facial skin using this mask: dilute a tablespoon of crushed oatmeal with the same amount of sour cream (yogurt). Add 2 drops of sage essential oil to the resulting pulp. The duration of the mask is a quarter of an hour.
  • If you have oily skin, I recommend preparing a toner: steam a tablespoon of sage leaves with 100 ml of boiling water. After the mixture has cooled, pour half a glass of apple cider vinegar into it. It is useful to wipe your face with this product twice a day. The shelf life of the tonic is two weeks in the refrigerator.
  • To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, a recipe for sage lotion with lemon, camphor alcohol and apple cider vinegar is suitable. Combine the juice and chopped zest of one lemon with two tablespoons of dried sage leaves. Pour all this over a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour, then drain the water and add 30 ml of apple cider vinegar. The lotion is ready, you need to wipe your face morning and evening. Store in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.
  • To prepare cosmetic ice from sage, you need to pour one glass of boiling water over a glass of its leaves and flowers. Then strain and, distributing into molds, place in the freezer. Rubbing sage ice cubes onto your face and neck in the morning can give your skin a fresh, radiant appearance.
  • For a refreshing anti-stress compress, you need to soak gauze (with holes for the eye and mouth area) with a decoction of sage, enriched with young nettle, chamomile, linden blossom and honey.
  • For a nourishing mask, you can mix sage infusion with dry milk and crushed oatmeal, and then add 2-3 drops of essential oil that matches your skin type. The main function of sage in such mixtures is to activate the process of cell regeneration and normalize the water-lipid balance.

And now - some tips:

  • Sage hydrosol or its decoction is good as a facial tonic. They can also be used as a basis for rejuvenating masks and compresses.
  • Sage steam baths are very beneficial for facial skin.
  • To eliminate swelling and normalize lymph flow, it is good to massage your face with sage essential oil, mixing 2-3 drops of this plant with a base oil (for example, coconut). This cosmetic procedure will give your face a fresh look, strengthen blood vessels and have a lifting effect. By the way, a lighter version of this massage can be done in the morning with ice cubes made from sage decoction.
  • Depending on the skin type, sage should be combined with various components: for dry skin - with lavender and chamomile, for oily skin - St. John's wort, nettle and wormwood.
  • Sage masks should be alternated with fruit or berry-fruit masks. Alternate exposure of the skin to the active substances of sage and fruit acids will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and significantly improve its condition.

Sage restores the water-lipid balance of the skin

Lifting mask with sage for problematic facial skin with honey and apple: step-by-step instructions.

And now I offer an apple-honey-sage mask, which tightens the skin well and also has a soothing, nourishing and moisturizing effect.

Step 1.Peel one medium-sized apple and grate on a fine grater (or chop in a blender).
Step 2.Add two teaspoons of honey.
Step 3.Add 1.5 g of dried sage (1 filter bag).
Step 4.To stir thoroughly.
Step 5.Place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, then apply to facial skin for half an hour.

In addition to the rejuvenating and regenerating effect, this mask evens out the tone and tightens enlarged pores.

How to make sage oil at home?

Sage oil for cosmetology can be prepared at home. Most often it is used in masks, occasionally in its pure form to bleach scars.


  • Just chop the collected plant finely
  • Place in a liter jar, filling halfway
  • Fill completely with any vegetable oil
  • Close tightly
  • Leave in a dark place for 14 days
  • Then we take gauze and squeeze the extract into the prepared container, use it if necessary
  • Base oil can be used for a new portion

Pros and cons of using sage

In terms of its popularity, sage can compete with many natural biostimulants. This is completely justified and is determined by its rich natural potential.

However, this plant also has a number of contraindications.

Helps restore hormonal balance. It has a wide range of healing effects on the body as a whole. Contraindicated for epilepsy and other neurological diseases, as well as for kidney inflammation.
Slows down aging and starts cell regeneration processes. Smoothes wrinkles, refreshes and restores. Cannot be combined with hormonal drugs.
Indispensable in medical cosmetology, primarily in the care of problematic facial skin. Cleanses pores and removes toxins. Do not use during lactation (sage slows it down and stops it, so it is used to stop lactation).
Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Significantly reduces sweating. It is not advisable to use if you are prone to allergies. A test is required before use.
Helps with hair loss.Preparations and products containing sage are not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Sage: beneficial properties and uses:


Despite the wide range of uses of sage, you need to be careful when using it, because there are some contraindications:

  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • hypotension;
  • nephritis;
  • hypertension;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • prolonged delay of the menstrual cycle;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • epilepsy;
  • polycystic disease;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • endometriosis.

Sage is an allergenic agent, so a skin test must be done. You need to apply a small amount of the product to the inside of your hand, and if after 10 minutes there are no rashes or redness in this area, then you can use it.

Important! Sage becomes addictive. Products based on it cannot be used for more than 3 months in a row.

TOP 5 products from reliable manufacturers

And now I offer my top products that contain the extract of this plant.

PhotoProducts containing sage oil or extractClaimed propertiesPrice policy
Mad Hippie Skin Care Products Vitamin C Serum + 8 Active Ingredients -oz-30-ml/41598A vegan serum that provides advanced facial skin care. Contains: konjac root, sage extract, grapefruit seeds, aloe leaves, chamomile flowers, as well as hyaluronic and ferulic acid, vitamins C and E. Softening and smoothing the skin, the plant serum saturates it with nutrients and vitamins, brightens, and has a lifting effect. , eliminates signs of wilting. The product has an antioxidant effect. RUB 2,037/30 ml
NutriBiotic Soap-free cleanser hypoallergenic cleanser for normal to dry facial skin. Created according to the original recipe. Has the aroma of fresh fruits. Moisturizes, provides deep and gentle cleansing. Does not dry out or clog pores, maintains optimal PH balance. Contains: powder of sage leaves, aloe, yarrow, thyme, horsetail, lemon balm; extracts of grapefruit seeds, rosemary leaves, coltsfoot flowers, marshmallow root, licorice root; peppermint oil. Free of soap, parabens and fragrance. 505 rub./473 g
Enzymatic Therapy DermaKlear Acne Therapeutic facial soap medicinal soap for problematic and sensitive facial skin. Deeply cleanses pores, soothes, eliminates acne and acne, relieves inflammation, promotes healing, and prevents new breakouts. Does not dry out the skin. Contains: active sulfur (5%), extract of sage leaves and flowers, aloe vera leaves, chamomile flowers, polygonum multiflorum root, hawthorn fruit, rosemary leaves, vegetable glycerin. Permissible frequency of use is up to three times a day. 524 RUR/85 g
Indigo Wild Zum Face Eye Oil mixture for the skin around the eyes. Contains: essential oils of clary sage and carrot seeds, macadamia nut, primrose, beeswax, shea butter, vitamin E. Restores and moisturizes the skin, gives it softness and elasticity. RUB 1,080/45 ml
AnneMarie Borlind LL Regeneration Revitalizing Day Cream day cream. Restores natural beauty and elasticity, maintains a protective barrier throughout the day, saturates with energy, stimulates skin cell renewal. The original formula contains: shea butter, sage leaf extract, echinacea, calendula flowers, chamomile, wild soybean oil, white wax. RUB 2,915/50 ml
Mizon Original Skin Energy Peptide 500 serum with peptides (45%). Maintains the natural elasticity of the skin, smooths out wrinkles, rejuvenates, and gives freshness. Contains: Spanish sage seed extract, Asian centella extract. RUB 1,797/30 ml

The listed products are created with love for nature, have not been tested on animals and do not contain ingredients that can be harmful to health.

To summarize, I want to emphasize once again: when using sage for the face, you need to remember that this plant helps not only to reveal and preserve female attractiveness for a long time, but also to stabilize the hormonal balance. That is why it is so in demand in cosmetology. Sage is one of the best means of achieving harmony between health and beauty.

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