Causes and methods of treatment of warts on the eyelid

Reasons for the appearance of an eye on the eyelid

The cause of warts in humans is viral, regardless of their location. Causes the disease HPV - human papillomavirus. For a long time, a person may not suspect that he is a carrier of herpes. With hormonal imbalances, stress, or decreased immunity, the infection will begin to multiply in skin cells, causing them to mutate and grow rapidly.

Infection with the virus occurs through sexual contact or contact.

From the skin of the hands, the infection can easily be transferred to other parts of the body - lips, eyelids, armpits, where herpes penetrates the skin and lies dormant, suppressed by the immune system. In the folds of the eyelid, on the abdomen, in the axillary and groin areas, favorable conditions are created for the virus to develop: it is warm and humid there. The incubation period of the disease lasts from 2 weeks to six months, during this period the virus does not make itself felt.

A feature of the treatment is the impossibility of completely destroying HPV in the body. If a person becomes infected, all he can do is maintain his immune strength to suppress the activity of the virus, preventing new manifestations of the infection.

Prevention of occurrence

To prevent the development of a dangerous infectious disease, a person should pay more attention to his own health. Some recommendations must be followed.

  1. You should not use other people's hygiene products. The virus is easily transmitted through towels, cosmetics, razors and other things.
  2. Carry out cosmetic procedures in salons with caution, monitoring sanitary conditions and methods of sterilizing equipment.
  3. If any formations appear on the skin, go to the doctor. Detection of condylomas in the early stages can significantly facilitate the treatment process.
  4. Have a permanent sexual partner. In most cases, the infection is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through sexual contact. Consequently, a large number of connections increases the risk of acquiring HPV.
  5. Monitor the state of your own immune system. Proper nutrition, proper rest, moderate physical activity and the absence of bad habits will strengthen the immune system, and at the same time prevent the development of the disease.

If a person does not know which doctor treats a given disease, he can contact a general practitioner. The specialist will direct the patient to the required office.

Condylomas on the face are not only a noticeable defect in appearance.
This is a dangerous phenomenon that requires timely and complete treatment. The article has been verified by the editors

Types of warts and localization

The formation of papilloma around the eyes is accompanied by characteristic symptoms: first, unpleasant sensations at the site of the future growth, the presence of a foreign body, discomfort when blinking, and itchy tingling. All sensations contribute to rubbing the affected eye, causing the infection to spread to adjacent areas of the skin.

Papillomas are differentiated by type and location.

OrdinaryRounded convex formations of beige or light brown color, the skin pattern is not visible, the surface is loose.Around the eyes, mainly below.
FlatSmooth, round-shaped papules that do not protrude above the skin level; with multiple rashes, they tend to unite into one formation. The color is light - from flesh to pinkish. Under the eyes.
Finger-shapedLarge dense formations of irregular shape, loose surface, color varies from flesh-colored to brown.Upper eyelid, under the eyes.
FiliformThey are located in groups, grow on a stalk, the surface is heterogeneous, soft, there is no skin pattern, they increase rapidly, the color is from flesh to brown, the sizes are small.Around the eyes, at the border of the mucous membranes.

A special feature of warts is their ability to be located at the border of the skin and the mucous membrane of the eyes. To prevent the spread of infection, doctors advise removing formations using modern hardware techniques.

Why is it dangerous?

Papillomas around the eyes may begin to grow.
As a result, they affect areas that are located nearby. If the growth has formed on the mucous membrane, the infection can spread through micropores in the epidermis. The proximity of the tumor to the eyes causes irritation of the conjunctiva. Since papilloma provokes discomfort, a person constantly rubs his eyelids and tries to remove the foreign object. This can lead to additional infection and the onset of an inflammatory process. This causes blurred vision. It can even lead to complete blindness.

Sometimes benign tumors can develop into melanoma. This is a cancerous tumor. Therefore, if you notice that the skin around your eyes and mucous membranes are inflamed, pay a visit to your ophthalmologist for diagnostic tests.

How to distinguish from other formations

70% of formations on the face are classified as flat papillomas. The eyelids are most often affected by thread-like formations, which, due to the presence of a stalk, are difficult to confuse with other types of papillomas. But neoplasms of other etiologies can be localized around the eyes.

Milia (millet) are often confused with condylomas of viral origin. Such rashes have a cone shape with white content - keratin.

Smooth, small bumps with clear boundaries are localized around the eyes, on the eyelids, cheekbones, and appear in groups. Cyst-like formations in the upper layers of the epidermis, which go away on their own with the renewal of skin cells, and should not be purposefully gotten rid of.

Hemangiomas are red vascular formations that sometimes tend to form in the eye area. The nature of the formations is the proliferation of vascular tissue. The nodules can protrude above the surface of the skin, are smooth, round or irregular in shape, and the color is pronounced red. This type of formation tends to disappear on its own.

Nevi are often located on the eyelids. The reason for their appearance is considered to be hormonal fluctuations in the body, excessive exposure to the active sun or solarium. A non-specialist in the field of dermatology cannot distinguish raised moles from warts. To diagnose the formation, you need to visit a doctor. Nevi with prolonged contact with an irritant, which is ultraviolet radiation or mechanical damage to the surface, can degenerate into skin cancer - melanoma.

Often bacterial growths appear around the eyes and on the eyelids. Such formations require treatment with antibiotics. The patient should see an ophthalmologist or dermatologist to determine the cause of their occurrence and receive recommendations for eliminating defects on the face.

It is impossible to differentiate viral warts on the eyelid from other neoplasms with high accuracy at home. It is better to carry out diagnostics in a doctor’s office; a specialist will determine the nature of the growth by visual examination.

Methods for removing tumors

Removing papilloma from the eyelid is a procedure that requires care and professionalism and is performed using high-tech medical equipment. The removal method is selected by the doctor depending on the location of the tumor and its nature. The following modern methods of eliminating papillomas are most often used:

  1. Electrocoagulation. This type of procedure is indicated primarily for those who have been diagnosed with a highly oncoactive type of papillomavirus. Removal is carried out using electric current. At the same time, the doctor has the opportunity to control the depth of exposure, which makes it possible to easily and painlessly remove areas of the skin affected by the virus without causing harm to nearby tissues.
  2. Cryotherapy. In this method, the pathological tissue is exposed to extremely low temperatures using liquid nitrogen. The procedure is completely painless and is carried out by local cauterization of the papilloma, which subsequently detaches itself from the body.
  3. Laser therapy. This method is also considered highly effective, but it has its drawbacks. The operation takes only a few minutes and is usually painless, but doctors may offer local anesthesia if needed. The main disadvantage of this method is that it leaves noticeable scars and depressions, which can subsequently be smoothed out using special cosmetic procedures. The laser, by cauterizing the tissue around the wound, prevents bleeding and infection.
  4. Surgical method. Removal of papillomas in this way is carried out in the presence of very large, deep, as well as flat skin growths of a benign nature. Excision with a scalpel is always accompanied by pain and partial injury to healthy tissue, which is why the operation is performed under local anesthetics. The rehabilitation period lasts about a week, during which time the person must follow all the surgeon’s instructions and carefully care for the wound, unless the doctor has covered it with self-absorbable plasters.

If papillomas and other signs of pathological changes in the skin appear, a person should consult a dermatologist to exclude the possibility of developing oncology. If one is detected, timely treatment can stop the growth of cancer cells and save health and life.

Methods of treatment and removal of the eyelid

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Modern medicine makes it possible to treat papillomas on the body at home, in medical institutions and in private beauty clinics. Adherents of alternative medicine will find many recipes for removing skin defects at home, not all of them are equally effective and safe. Hardware techniques allow you to remove several formations in one visit to the doctor, have no contraindications, are highly effective, and do not allow relapses or complications. Patients consider the high cost of the procedure to be the only disadvantage.

Folk remedies are not always easy to use and require self-discipline and regularity over a long period of time. They are accessible to everyone, and the recipes are not complicated. Disadvantages include unproven effectiveness and a long course of treatment.

Pharmaceutical preparations can cause burns; they should be used with caution in children and pregnant women; eyelids are delicate areas of the body.

When using medications from pharmacies, the patient cannot understand whether the formation has been completely removed. If part of the growth was not noticed, there is a high probability of relapse. The formation of scars, cicatrices, relapses, burns are the consequences of self-medication with pharmaceutical drugs.

Regular damage to warts and moles with pharmaceutical drugs or folk remedies is a trigger for the formation of cancer cells in the growths.

Hardware techniques

Treatment of warts on the face and eyelids is most often carried out using laser technology. If the doctor determines that the formation is benign, the patient does not need to examine the removed material for histology - the presence of cancer cells. If degeneration is excluded, the patient is referred for the procedure. The removal process lasts several minutes, the laser eliminates wound infection and bleeding, and has no contraindications. During the procedure, the patient may experience pain; if necessary, the laser site is numbed. The technology for removing skin defects involves destroying the tissue of the growth and clogging the capillaries that feed the growth, as a result of which it falls off.

Radio waves and electrical impulses are used to remove papillomas on any part of the body. The choice of a doctor is justified if it is necessary to analyze the removed cells for the presence of pathological processes in them. Such techniques do not leave scars, are relatively painless, and several formations can be removed in one procedure.

Cryodestruction is a method of removing warts with liquid nitrogen. The doctor prescribes this type of treatment if the patient does not require histology.

Cells with the virus are instantly destroyed by exposure to ultra-low temperatures, after which a crust forms at the site of the growth. Liquid nitrogen can be used to remove warts on any part of the body.

Folk remedies

Juice of celandine, aloe, kalanchoe, dandelion, milkweed, garlic, calendula in the form of lotions, applied to warts daily at night, according to traditional healers, is capable of destroying diseased cells within 2 weeks. Infusion of wormwood, gruel of raw grated potatoes, banana peel, salt compresses, which need to be used to wipe the papillomas step by step several times a day, apply to sore spots, have a certain degree of effectiveness. They are inconvenient to use and require long-term treatment, which is not always suitable for certain categories of patients. Traditional medicine is not suitable for treating papillomas on the face.

Traditional medicines are best suited as general strengthening, immunomodulatory, cleansing, and stimulating digestive processes. Infusions of chamomile, St. John's wort, Kuril and fireweed tea, burnet, calendula, horsetail, lemon balm, burdock and other plants will help strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body of waste and toxins, and normalize the intestinal microflora. Using infusions of medicinal herbs internally can be part of the treatment for warts.

Pharmacy drugs

A wart on the eye is highly susceptible to damage, which threatens the growth of the formation or the introduction of infection into the resulting wound. To remove such papillomas, you should choose a method that, with a single use, will get rid of problems and will not lead to others.

Pharmacy preparations for removing defects on the skin are divided into antiviral, keratolytic, necrotizing and home cryodestruction. According to patient reviews, all groups of drugs, except antiviral ones, are effective with a single use.

Antiviral drugs (oxolinic ointment, acyclovir) help fight the virus locally, are harmless, and eliminate only young papillomas. They do not leave scars and are suitable for long-term use on all parts of the body.

Preparations with keratolytic action (supercelandine, salipod) burn out and exfoliate diseased cells, can cause burns to healthy tissues, leave scars, and relapses are possible. When self-medicating, the patient cannot control the depth of penetration of the drug; these products are not suitable for such a delicate area as the eyes.

Necrotizing drugs (pheresol, verrucacid) stop the nutrition of warts, as a result of which the tissues die. Scars, relapses are shortcomings due to which the drugs should not be used on the face.

Cryodestruction at home is carried out using drugs from Wartner and Cryo Pharma. Using liquid nitrogen at home does not prevent relapses when cells are not completely frozen. The patient will not be able to control the depth of cold penetration on his own due to unpleasant sensations during the procedure. There is a risk of damage to the skin around the wart by cold, which means it is impossible to use liquid nitrogen near the eyes.

Any external therapy will not relieve the patient of viral papillomas if there are internal reasons for their formation. Strengthening the immune system is the patient’s task with papillomatosis in order to be able to restrain the activity of viruses. Correction of nutrition, normalization of weight and hormonal levels, treatment of chronic diseases, sanitation of the oral cavity, body hygiene, physical activity and proper rest are mandatory.

How to remove a wart above the eye using pharmaceutical products

The safest and most inexpensive pharmaceutical product that can help remove tumors in the eye area is tea tree oil. Among its main properties are antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral. The ether acts quite gently without damaging the skin. It will not only remove the wart, but also prevent recurrence. Apply it to a growth localized near the eye several times a day. At night, make compresses, fixing them with adhesive tape.

The following pharmaceutical preparations are also no less safe and effective in the fight against warts:

  • Castor oil . It is applied to the growth every evening before going to bed. Therapy is continued until the tumor disappears completely;
  • Panavir gel . The drug does not cause allergic reactions or irritation, inhibits the virus itself and affects the wart. Apply it three times during the day. Therapy lasts about one and a half weeks;
  • Viferon ointment . It has an antiviral effect and contains natural ingredients. The affected area is lubricated up to five times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed a month;
  • Imiquimod cream . The composition of the drug is gentle and cannot cause discomfort in the eye area. The drug is applied every other day and only before going to bed. The duration of therapy directly depends on the persistence of the warts themselves.

If you have a question about how to remove a wart under the eye, it is best to consult a specialist. It is possible that the use of topical drugs will not be enough. In this case, he may prescribe medications in tablet form.

They act on growths from the inside and at the same time do not cause absolutely any inconvenience to the eyelids:

  • Isoprinosine . The dosage of the drug is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician on an individual basis. The maximum course of treatment is 14 days. You can take the bite again only after a two-week break;
  • Arbidol . The drug is taken 4 tablets per day. The course of treatment is only a week;
  • Immunal . An effective remedy for strengthening the immune system. It should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.


Removal of a neoplasm such as a wart must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Any attempts to get rid of it on your own can lead to a lot of undesirable consequences.

Possible complications

Possible complications in the treatment of papillomas on the eyelid may include incomplete removal of the formation (relapses), burns, scars, premature removal of the crust on the wound, infection, damage to the mucous membrane of the eye, and visual impairment. The removal of growths, regardless of whether the wart is on the lower or upper eyelid, on the right eye or on the left, should be removed by a qualified specialist in order to minimize risks and avoid unpleasant consequences for health and appearance.

The article has been reviewed by the site editors

be careful

The presence of papillomas, warts, condylomas, moles and spines on the body is the first sign of malignant melanoma!

We hasten to warn you that most medications “treat” warts, papillomas, moles, etc. - this is a complete deception of marketers who make hundreds of percentage points on drugs whose effectiveness is zero. They do not cure the disease, but only mask the symptoms.

The pharmacy mafia makes huge money by deceiving sick people.

But what to do? How to treat if there is deception everywhere? Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Makhson conducted his own investigation and found a way out of this situation. In this article, the Doctor also told how to 100% protect yourself from melanoma, for only 149 rubles! Read the article in the official source via the link.

Prevention of warts on the upper and lower eyelids

The growth, no matter how people try to ignore it, will begin to cause discomfort in the future. In order not to have to come to the doctor with a question about how to remove a wart on the lower or upper eyelid, it is important to comply with hygiene requirements:

  • Try not to injure your eyes;
  • It is better to protect from ultraviolet (sun) radiation;
  • When swimming in a pool or other bodies of water, it is advisable to wear special glasses to protect your eyes from infection;
  • If you were unable to use glasses, then after swimming you should wipe your eyes with mild cleansers;
  • Remove makeup with a special eye hygiene product.

It is important not to ignore the appearance of warts, because they can quickly spread throughout the body and create more and more discomfort.

In the video you can see the progress of surgical intervention for warts of the eyelid:

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